Where Is It In Brazil?
Word Search
1. Students will become familiar with various locations in Brazil.
2. Students will categorize locations politically.
3. Students will pinpoint cities using latitude and longitude.
4. Students will categorize states/territories in terms of population.
Suggested Time Allowance:
One 40 minute class period
Materials To Be Used:
1. Where Is It In Brazil? word search.
2. Various geography classroom reference materials.
1. The teacher will distribute the “Where Is It In Brazil?” word search and make various reference materials available to the students.
2. Students will complete the word search by locating the 20 items listed.
3. Students will use the reference materials to determine each location’s
a) political unit, and
b) coordinates, or
c) population.
4. The teacher will answer any questions and assist students as needed.
Students will be evaluated on their word searches and related information, as well as their active participation in class.