People in Kenya wear clothing styles that are similar to those worn in Europe and North America. There are variations of these styles. One of the most common items of women clothing is a long piece for colorful cotton fabric called a Kanga. A Kanga came be worn around the wrist as a skirt or a scarf. It can also be used as a shawl on head covering. Mothers use it to carry infants by tying it over one shoulder. Many women also wear head scarves.
Nomadic tribes wear traditional clothing. They wear a gorfa, it is wrapped around the body one and a half times and secured with a leather thong and a rope belt. A gorfa is made from several panels of goatskin or sheepskin that have been sewn together and dyed red and black. These garments are now made of cotton cloth his become more available red and black cotton.
Both men and women are fond of jewelry. Necklace made of rows of beads. Bracelets and earrings are community worn also