Azevedo, Mario. Kenya: The Land, The People, and The Nation. North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 1993.
This book provides historical and geographical information on Kenya, as well as engaging information on the country’s people and culture.
Kairi, Wambui. Kenya. Austin: Raintree Steck - Vaughn, 2000
This book attempts to make your mouth water and your taste buds tingle as you find out all about Kenya foods and festivals.
Mbure, Sam and Beneath the Rainbow: A Collection of Children’s Stories and Poems from Kenya. Jacaranda Designs, 1995.
Drawings on images and characters from traditional African myths, legends and folklore, this colorful anthology features three short stories and three poems from Kenya.
Paterson, Robert. Kenya: Cultures of the World. California: Benchmark Books,1995.
This book describes the geography, history, government, economy, and the culture of Kenya.
Ruben, Joel. Kenya in Pictures: Visual Geography Series. Lerner Publishing Company, 1988.
The text and photographs introduce the geography, history, government, people and economy of the thirty fourth African nation to gain independence.
Wa, Vincent Mull. East African Folktales: From the Voice of Mukamba (World Storytelling). August House Publishing, 1997.
This book contains eighteen folk stories derived from Kituku’s Kenya childhood are presented in both english and in the Kikamba language, creating a unique bilingual experience of short stories imbedded with East African culture.