Grade: 9th grade Math.
Number of students: 15
Length of lesson: ½ hr. per activity.
Students will performed a "design" exercise (sketching different views and sections of the Brooklyn Bridge.
The students at Sound School will have a walking tour abroad a schooner to visit The Brooklyn Bridge. Students will be asked to identify and sketch some details of the structure of the bridge that they might use later in the classroom to build a small bridge. During the field trip the students will look closely at the bridge by walking along its entire lenghth. They will be able to recognize and identify parts of the bridge studied during previous classes.
Students will be involved in the following activities:
1. Students will take pictures of different parts of the bridge to use in the classroom as a reference to aid in their construction of the bridge model.
2. Students will explore the Brooklyn Bridge and will draw perspectives of the suspension bridge from different points of view.
3. Students also will draw different details of the bridge as they walk along its entire length.
4. Students will measure the following: the thickness of the steel, the length and thickness of the bricks and concrete, the size of the cables, and the size of a connecting bolt.
• anchorage
• archways
• cables
• platform
• stays
• suspenders
• towers