My second objective will be to address the student in regards to at risk health problems, poor body image, and low self-esteem. This area will be approached in a small group setting and its members will be determined through the process of shared teaching and learning through a group process. The targeted “at risk students” will be referred by staff, students, and through the knowledge I gain from the students in the classrooms as they progress through the curriculum. The students of this group should include those whom are at risk for diet related illnesses, obesity, poor hygiene, acne and issues in regards to a poor body outlook.
The group topics will be sensitive and personal and therefore I will separate the students by sex and age range. The more focused areas of concern for these groups will be how to reduce risk of illness, proper diet, caring for self and determining how each of these issues relate to how we feel and perform in our daily lives. Depending on the topic for discussion the nurse practitioner or school nurse may be utilized as a resource or guest speaker. Having the students become aware of the risks that face their negative situations will help them to be more informed. We will then move toward discovering why each of these issues develop and explore personally how they may have developed within ourselves. This environment will be a protective one where students will feel free to share what they feel comfortable with and respected when they choose to do so. These issues should not be taken lightly and this group should run as long as the facilitator and members feel it is needed. Improvement should be expected to be slow and students should feel supported in knowing that there will be set backs and the process of healing is ongoing.
Outside of the group the students will conduct further self-analysis in regards to their individual targeted concerns and risks in their journals. Based on their self-analysis and the informational group sessions, students can begin to develop an individual plan for improvement. Having the support network of a small group and knowledge of their individual need well help to ensure student improvement.