Lastly, I will attempt to involve our Fair Haven parents in the new health agenda. Having the parents involved in this collaborative curriculum will not only strengthen the concepts being delivered, it will strengthen our school environment as a whole. The more involved families are with the school the higher the success rate will be for our students. Developing programs, which promote involving and educating families in regards to healthy eating, physical activity and emotional wellness, will serve to enforce this campaign for wellness.
One of the main tools to relay this information to parents will be through the newsletter. This will not only reinforce the knowledge we our providing in school to the students, but will allow the knowledge to be expanded and utilized at home. Parents can feel connected to the school, informed of content and gain insight in the field of health.
Health Fair
A second way to connect our parents to this is through a Fair Haven Health Fair. This will be an all day event that will be run by the Fair Haven staff, students, and parents of Fair Haven Middle School. The Fair will be offered to all families within the community of Fair Haven and will be both and educational and fun filled day. Health screenings and assessments will be offered as well as fun activities for kids. Relay races, games and group activities will be offered with donated prizes from local stores as rewards. Healthy food will be offered and informational handouts regarding healthy living. The Fair Haven newsletters and designed posters will be displayed in order for the visitors to become informed about Fair Havens campaign for wellness. As an incentive for participation a local representative from a local athletic team, such as the Ravens, will speak on health as it relates to performance.
Fitness Activities
Lastly physical fitness activities after school will be offered to parents, staff and students as a final form of collaboration. Volleyball games, aerobics, basketball and weight lifting will be among some of the various fitness activities available. This will not only provide incentive for exercise to the school population, but it will also help to create connections between students and staff and staff and parents. I believe that activities such as this help to remove individuals from their viewed roles in the school and break down the barriers that often exist between the school and the home. These types of activities also promote positive relationships and new friendships. Having a fun activity where shared enjoyment can be accomplished in a non-threatening manner is important in creating a comfortable atmosphere.