*Bosse, Nancy.
Math Connection- Grade 3.
This book provides students with focused practice to help reinforce and develop Math skills in all areas defined by the NCTM as appropriate for 3rd graders.
Burns, Marilyn.
About Teaching Mathematics: AK-8 Resource.
White Plains, New York: Math Solutions Publications, 1992.
This is a book that presents the case for teaching math through problem solving and includes more than 240 classroom-tested activities.
___ ,
A Collection of Math Lessons From Grades 3 Through 6.
New Rochelle,
New York: Math Solutions Publications, 1987.
In the book a number of problem solving activities are offered and the author gives some ideas about the responsibility of the students, and teacher in these situations as well as how to organize the classroom.
Math for Smarty Pants.
Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1982.
Text, illustrations, and suggested activities offer a common-sense approach to mathematic fundamentals for those who are slightly terrified of numbers.
Carpenter, Thomas P. et al.
Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction.
Portsmouth, N.H. : Hinemann, 1999.
This is an important book that chronicles children’s natural strategies in dealing with math concepts. A CD is also included showing examples mentioned in the book.
_____, Megan Loef Franke, and Linda Levi.
Thinking Mathematically: Integrating
Arithmetic and Algebra in Elementary School, 2003.
This book explores teaching and study of elementary math and algebraic
principles. It also includes a CD for viewing portions of classroom lessons.
*Chapman, Carolyn.
Real-Life Math Word Problems: Third Grade.
Salt Lake City, Utah:
Rainbow Bridge Publishing, 2002.
This book offers a group of word problems that are based on the NCTM standards and uses third grade math skills including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, graphing, fractions, measurement, money values, and time.
Coffland, Jack A., and Gilbert J, Cuevas.
Primary Problem Solving in Math
. Parsippany: Goodyear Books, 1992.
This book offers 101 math problems for grades K-- 3, which emphasize the idea that the math curriculum should emphasize building conceptual understanding and problem-solving abilities rather than rote memorization.
*Curriculum Planning & Development Division Ministry of Education, Singapore
Singapore Primary Mathematics.
Singapore: Times Media Private Limited, 2003.
United States edition of math book, workbook and teacher’s guide that were adapted from those used in Singapore. Singapore boasted some of the highest math scores and achievement when compared to other countries world-wide.
Hiebert, James, et al.
Making Sense: Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Understanding.
This is another excellent book that describes research based ideas on how to
design a classroom that helps students learn math with understanding.
Lampert, Magdalene.
Teaching Problems and the Problems of Teaching.
New Haven: Yale Press, 2001.
The book chronicles a fifth grade teacher and her math class.
Kennedy, Leonard M. and Steve Tipps.
Guiding Children’s Learning of Mathematics.
Wadswoth Publishing Company, 1991.
This book covers different aspects of teaching elementary mathematics. It presents ideas on Mathematics education that are consistent with the curriculum and evaluation adopted by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Ma, Liping.
Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics.
Mahwah, New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers,1999.
The book is about the differences in fundamental understanding about math and how it should be taught as found in a group of American teachers and their Chinese counterparts.
Ritchhart, Ron.
Making Numbers Make Sense: A Sourcebook for Developing Numeracy.
New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.
This book provides instructional guidance and a collection of lesson plans and black line masters for the elementary and middle school classroom.