Listed below are the New Haven Mathematics Framework Performance Standards, which
“The Art of Interpreting Percent” curriculum unit is derived from.
Content Standard 1.0: Number Concepts, Arithmetic, and Operation Concepts:
Students will work comfortably and confidently within the real number system and its Operations. They will make comparisons, recognize patterns, and use multiple Representations of the same number.
Performance Standard 1.2:
Students will describe and compare quantities and compute using fractions and decimals.
a. Students will consistently and accurately compute with, apply, and convert among the different kinds and forms of rational numbers, including negative numbers, numbers written as decimals or percents and or proper and improper or mixed fractions.
Performance Standard 1.4:
Students will interpret percent as part of 100 and as a means of comparing quantities of different sizes or changing sizes.
a. Students will interpret percent as part of 100.
b. Students will use percents to compare quantities of different or changing sizes.
c. Students will apply percent concepts to solve problems.
Performance Standard 1.6:
Students will order numbers.
b. Students will locate numbers on a number line.
c. Students will demonstrate a sense of magnitudes and relative magnitudes.
Content Standard 5.0: Problem Solving and Mathematical Reasoning:
Problem solving concepts and strategies lie at the heart of mathematics. Students will use them in the formulation of problems and the solution of problems. They will appropriately test problem conclusions against conditions. They will reason mathematically.
Performance Standard 5.3:
Students will use and invent a variety of approaches and understand and evaluate those of others.
a. Students will invoke problem solving strategies, such as illustrating with sense- making sketches to clarify situations or organizing information in a table.
b. Students will determine, where helpful, how to break a problem into simple parts.
c. Students will solve for unknown or undecided quantities using algebra, graphing, sound reasoning, and other strategies.
d. Students will integrate concepts and techniques from different areas of mathematics.
e. Students will work effectively in teams when the nature of the task or the allotted time makes this an appropriate strategy.
f. Students will make sensible, reasonable estimates.
g.Student will make justifies, logical statements.