1- Jeri Cipriano. Native Americans. ( Benchmark Educ. Comp. N. York. 2003.) p.2
2- Peter F.Copeland. Indian Tribes of North America.( Dover Publications, Inc. New York.)(Introduction) no pages. 1990.
3- Anthony Saenz.Forward for Indian Tribes of North America ,by Josepha Sherman. (Todri Production. N. York.1996.) p.5.
4- Peter Nabokov,Robert Easton. Native American Architecture.( Oxford University Press. N. York 1989.) p.16
5- Gilbert Legay. Atlas of Indian of North America.( Barron's Educ. Series, Inc. 1995.) p.5.
6- Jeri Cipriano. Native Americans (Benchmark Edu. Comp. N. York. 2003.) p.2
7- Josepha Sherman. Indian Tribes of North America. (Todri Product Limited. N.York. 1996.) p.12
8- Jeri Cipriano. Native Americans.( Benchmark Educ. Comp. N. York 2000.) p.12
9- Gilbert Legay. Atlas of Indians of North America.( Barron's Educ. Series, Inc. 1995.) p.54
10- Jeri Cipriano. Native Americans. (Benchmark Educ. Comp. N. York. 2003.) p.18
11- Nita Beautiful Bald Eagle.Buffalo and Lakota are Kin/Canku ota.(An online Newspaper articles about Nita's lectures.April 17,2004.)No Nº of pages.
12- Gilbert Legay. Atlas of Indians of North America. (Barron's Educ. Inc. 1995.) p.85
13- Kenneth Bailey, Elizabeth Brook, John J. Farrell. The American Adventure. (Field Educ. Public. U.S. 1972.) p.18
14- Kennet Bailey,Elizabeth Brook, John J. Farrell.The American Adventure. (Field Educ. Public. U.S. 1972.) p.19.
15- Gilbert Legay. Atlas of Indians of North America. ( Barron's Educ. Series Inc.1995.) p.23
16- Gilbert Legay. Atlas of Indians of Nort America.(Barron's Educ. Series Inc.1995.) pp.62-63.
17- Dana Newmann. Coastal Indians.( The Center for Applied Research in Educ. N. York 1996.) pp.120,121
18- Dana Newmann.Coastal Indians.( The Center for Applied Research in Education. N. York, 1996.) p.38.
19- Anne Zeman,Kelly Kate.American History.(Scholastic Inc.New York NY.1997.) p.4
20- Elizabeth Crosby,Stull.Multicultural Discovery Activities for the Elementary Grades.(The Center for Applied Research in Education. New York 1995.) p.342