The most important objectives of the unit are:
1. Familiarize students with thousands of different tribes that used to live in North America long before the European came to "discover" America.
2. Bring to life the Native American tribes who have inhabited North America. The unit briefly branches out into four different regions: Desert Indians, Plains Indians, Coastal Indians, and Woodland Indians.
3. Background information will be given for each of the four regions. Students need to know about the people; what they looked like; what they ate, how they lived; the types of shelters they built, variety of shelters, what materials were available, and what kind of tribal traditions the inhabitants needed to protect themselves from predators, heat, cold, rain, and other people.
I will need to supply the necessary reference materials, directions, encouragement and guidance in order to provide a proper curriculum unit to students and teachers. The student, on the other hand, should be expected to provide the initiative and self motivation as well as a basic knowledge of writing. His/her final product will be demonstrative of his/her academic and creative abilities.
With this accomplished, we can then proceed to start with historical information. Students need to have a complete picture as a background for the further understanding of the first people who lived in North America.