Scientific inquiry
1.1b Students will express interests and opinions
using appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication.
Students in groups will observe neighborhood structures. Students in groups will express interest and opinions orally and in writing of structures they will create. They will communicate their findings orally and in writing as they compare two neighborhood structures.
Visual Arts
3.1a Students will construct, with blocks of wood or cardboard boxes, new building structures that demonstrate homes, communities, cities, sports complexes and playgrounds or parks.
5.1a Students will draw, without patterns, all the basic shapes, cut them out, paste them in a pattern, and describe how well they solved the design problem.
Students will build a structure using any media they choose based in an original design integrating different elements. Students will observe the dependence of humans on building structures.
Language Arts
1.3 c Students will demonstrate strategic reading skills
after specific reading tasks
; they will:
1.3.c1 Construct meaning through initial understanding and interpretation.
1.3.c10 Select and use relevant information from a selection to include in a response to or an extension of it.
Students will read for information at least three books related to the design and construction of a building. They will then demonstrate their understanding orally and through a model of some of the most important elements. Students will compare at least two neighborhood structures focusing in specific elements. i.e. windows, chimneys.
2.2c. Students will measure and create a scale in maps or scale drawings using the idea of constant ratio.
2.3 Students will use models to reason about the relationship between the perimeter and the area of rectangles in simple situations.
Students will create a scale drawing of a simple structure and then build their own. They will make multiple drawings to show the difference between plan, section, and elevation of a structure. They study the relationship between scale measurements, perimeter and area based on original design and structure.
Social Studies
1.1c Students will compare various cultures within a classroom with respect to family life now, over time and between cultures.
1.2a Students will understand the history of their respective neighborhoods.
1.2b Students will understand their city community and its geography.
Through comparing two or three different neighborhood structures the students will make observations of their community.