Designing a Structure - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
1. Journal entry- My structure
T: I have written a complete sentence of the structure I want to build.
O: I have written part of the sentence of the structure I want to build.
W: I haven not written the structure I want to build.
2. Journal entry- My Team's structure
T: I have written a complete sentence of the structure my team will build.
O: I have written part of the sentence of the structure my team will build.
W: I haven not written the structure my team will build.
3. Journal entry- My structure spaces
T: I have written a complete sentence of the spaces I want my structure to have.
O: I have written part of the sentence of the spaces I want my structure to have.
W: I haven not written the spaces I want my structure to have.
4. Journal entry- My Team's structure spaces
T: I have written a complete sentence of the spaces our team structure will have.
O: I have written part of the sentence of the spaces our team structure will have.
W: I haven not written the spaces our team structure will have.
5. Blueprint of team's structure with the three spaces
T: I have drawn all, the structure and the three spaces.
O: I have drawn most of the structure and the three spaces.
W: I have drawn some of the structure and the spaces.
Did I do my best work?
Terrific OK Needs Work
Gathering Neighborhood Data - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
1. Date
T: I have written today's date at the top of the log entry.
O: I have written the date on my log entry.
W: I have not written today's date on the log entry.
2. Location
T: I have written the street at the top of the log entry.
O: I have written the street on my log entry.
W: I have not written the street on the log entry.
3. Structure drawings
T: I have made many different drawings of structures on the street.
O: I have made some drawings of structures on the street.
W: I have not made any drawings structures on the street.
4. Elements drawings
T: I have drawn many different elements of the structures.
O: I have drawn some elements of the structures.
W: I have not drawn any elements of the structures.
5. Labels
T: I have written the names of all of the elements in the structure.
O: I have written the names of many of the elements in the structure.
W: I have not written the names of any of the elements in the structure.
Did I do my best work?
K Needs