Connecticut's Common Core of Learning Program Goals
Having completed this unit, students will have achieved the following Connecticut's Common Core of Learning program goals for language arts:
1 Create works using the language arts in visual, oral and written texts;
2 Read, write, speak, listen and view to construct meaning of written, visual and oral texts;
3 Choose and apply strategies that enhance the fluent and proficient use of the language arts; (brainstorming, use of graphic organizers)
4 Read with understanding and respond thoughtfully to a variety of texts
When done with this unit, students will have achieved the following Connecticut's Common Core of Learning program goals for the arts;
1 Create (imagine, experiment, plan, make, evaluate, refine and present/exhibit) art works that express concepts, ideas and feelings in each art form
2 Respond (select, experience, describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate) with understanding to diverse art works and performances in each art form
3 Understand the connections among the arts, other disciplines and daily life.
New Haven Public Schools Academic Performance Standards
Students will also achieve the following goals from the New Haven Public Schools Academic Performance standards for eighth grade Language Arts:
1 Students will demonstrate strategic reading skills before, during and after reading
2 Students will demonstrate strategic writing behaviors
3 Students will participate in a wide variety of writing experiences