A Katz Production, Activity Bursts in the Classroom, 2006, 25 February, 2007 http://www.davidkatzmd.com/abcforfitness.aspx.
- A complete downloadable manual for teachers on the importance of exercise, but mainly on how to incorporate five minute activity bursts in the classroom including recommended activities.
American Journal for Public Health, July 2001, Jogging Builds Strong Bones, 7 May, 2007, www.lifeclinic.com/focus/nutrition/articleView.asp?MessageID=1327
- A short review of information one study found on how jogging effects bone health in adult men.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Physical Activity and Health for Young People, 2006, US Department of Health and Human Services, 9 Mar. 2007, http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth /PhysicalActivity.html.
- Important facts from the CDC about physical activity of today's youth.
Cole, Joanna.
The Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body
. New York: Scholastic, 1989.
- In the classic Magic School Bus format, this is a creative narrative describing a school field trip through the human body.
Eric Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education, 3 May, 2007, http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content4/promote.phyed.html.
- This journal article for teachers describes the importance of physical activity, the effects on children, and states recent statistics about physical inactivity.
Fitness and Bone Health, Getting and Staying Active, 17 June, 2007, http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/activity/bonehlth.htm
- Article for students or teachers in a question and answer format describing bone health.
Fitness Glossary, 17 June, 2007 http://www.wholefitness.com/glossaryt.html
- Lists definitions of health vocabulary.
Functions of the Muscular System, 7 May 2007, training.seer.cancer.gov/module_anatomy/xp_unit4_1_muscle_function.html
- Website explaining the function of a muscle.
Kids Health, 7 May, 2007, Looking at the Lungs, www.kidshelath.org/kid/body/lungs_noSW.html
- A site for students or teachers on how the lungs function.
Kids Health, 10 March, 2007, Kids and Exercise, www.kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_fit/fitness/exercise.html
- A site for students and teachers to determine the benefits of exercise.
Kids Health, 17 June 2007,The Nig Story on Bones, http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/body/bones_noSW.html
- A site for students and teachers to better understand bone health.
Kubota et al. 2001. cited in http://nootropics.com/exercise/index.html
- An online article discussing the effects of jogging on the mind.
Llewellyn, Claire.
The Big Book of Bones: An Introduction to Skeletons
. New York: Bedrick, 1998
- A factual book for students and teachers to compare the human skeleton to the skeleton of other animals and mammals. A creative way to introduce the skeletal system to students.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 2005, Exercise for Your Bone Health, 30 May, 2007, http://www.niams.nih.gov/bone/hi/bone_exercise.htm
- A website addressing bone health and information on osteoporosis help programs.
Parker, Steve.
How the Body Works.
New York: Reader's Digest, 1994.
- Fun and interactive experiments that students can develop about the human body.
Roth, Rebecca. Let's All Go for a Run - Does Exercise really Help the Brain?, 18 June, 2007, http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro02/web1/rroth.html
- A research paper on how exercise affects the brain.
Science Curriculum Grades 5-8, 2006, New Haven Public School System, 9 April, 2007, http://nhps.net/curriculum/docs/science-5-8.doc
- The New Haven Public School System Science Curriculum for grade 5-8.
Shaw, Kelly. Importance of Exercise for Children, DHHS, 10 March, 2007, www.dhhs.yas.gov.au/healthyliving/exercise/exforchild.php.
- An article written for adults on why exercise is important and how it can be fun for children.
Silverstein, Alvin, Silverstien, Virginia, & Silverstien, Robert.
The Muscular System
. Brookfield: Twenty-First Centry, 1994
- Describes the structure and function of the muscular system.
Silverstein, Alvin, Silverstien, Virginia, & Silverstien, Robert.
The Respiratory System
. Brookfield: Twenty-First Centry, 1994
- Describes the structure and function of the lungs.
Silverstein, Alvin, Silverstien, Virginia, & Silverstien, Robert.
The Skeletal System
. Brookfield: Twenty-First Centry, 1994
- Describes the structure and function of the skeletal system.
Simon, Seymour.
Muscles - Our Muscular System
. New York: Morrow.
- A picture book meant for either students or teachers with quality information about the basics of the muscular system.
Summerfield, Liane, Promoting Physical Activity and Exercise in the Classroom, ERIC Digest, 10 March, 2007. www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content4/promote.phyed.html.
- A study describing the importance of physical activity.
Teaching Today, Finding Science in the Real World, 2001, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 9 April. 2007, http://www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/subject/finding_science.phtml
- Article for teachers on effective science teaching strategies.
The Franklin Institute Online, The Human Brain, 2004, The Franklin Institute Online, 9 April, 2007. http://www.fi.edu/brain/exercise.htm#physicalexercise
- An article for teachers about the effects of exercise on the aging brain.