One goal of all New Haven curriculums is to develop knowledgeable citizens. More specifically, becoming knowledgeable and responsible of one's self is an essential component to the district the science curriculum. To achieve this goal, content standards were developed to more specifically identify the key components. The curriculum identifies the following standards which are directly applicable to this unit on fitness:
3.1c. Students will learn the identification and function of the systems of the human organism including digestion, respiration, reproduction circulation, excretion, movement and control, and protection from disease.
Performance Standard 6.1: Students will develop an understanding of the value and behaviors of good personal health.
6.1a. Students will identify the ways in which regular exercise contributes to the improvement and maintenance of their health.
6.1c. Students will learn personal responsibility for their own health and safety and identify those activities which positively or negatively affect their health and safety.