Laura M. Tarpill
3-4 days
Objectives: The students will be able to,
1. Familiarize themselves with objects and art from the Hispanic home by
identifying realia.
2. Expand their use of Spanish vocabulary concerning the realia by explaining its use
in the target language.
3. Draw conclusions about the links between their cultures and the Hispanic
culture by presenting their own realia.
Hispanic realia, students’ realia, dictionaries, posterboard, markers, pens, and pencils.
Day One- The students will look at some pictures of realia that were taken by the AP students. They will first guess what it would be used for (pilón, Mistolín, tres Reyes Magos, tostonera, la negrita). The students will then share their guesses and then the answers will be revealed. Upon leaving, the students will fill out the name of one object on a sticky note and hand it in.
Day Two- The students will match pictures of the realia with their definitions. They will then be assigned an item to describe fully in Spanish (What is its name? Who might use it? Where might it be used?) They will also have to think about what realia they want to present from their home/culture.
Day Three- The students will bring in a piece of realia from their own culture. They will write a description of it on a piece of paper. They will then pair read it with another classmate. The students will then prepare their oral presentation and their visual aid (poster board).
Day Four -- The students will orally present their piece of realia to the class in the target language. They will have a poster board with its name in the target language, a description of what it is used for, and an explanation of why it is important.