Barth, F. G., & Schmid, A. (Eds.). (2001). Ecology of sensing. Berlin: Springer. This is a great book about the structure of an avian eye.
Davies, G. (2008). Spirit of the elephant: Majestic giant of the animal kingdom. Bath, UK: Parragon Books Ltd. This book goes into great detail about elephants; it includes some spectacular pictures.
Discovery Communications LLC, (2008). Corwin's quest: Episode guide: The eagle's view. Retrieved May 26, 2009, from Animal Planet Web site: Jeff Corwin's antics make this a fun video segment about comparing eagle eye retinas to human retinas.
Downer, J. (1999). Supernature: The unseen powers of animals. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. As a topic, the supernatural abilities of animals could be its own unit; however, this book features a section about the elephant's ability to hear over long distances.
Early, M. (2003). Vision in birds, butterflies, cats, and dogs. Retrieved May 25, 2009, from Sewanee: The University of the South Web site: This Webpage compares vision in various animals and features birds since their vision is strong.
Fothergill, A. and Linfield, M. (Director). (2009). Earth [Feature film]. USA: Disneynature. This feature film follows the lives of three sets of animal families; one of which is a herd of elephants that demonstrates the importance of communication in the herd.
Fowler, M. E., & Mikota, S. K. (2006). Biology, medicine, and surgery of elephants.Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing. This book is quite technical, but it goes into great detail about the anatomy of the elephant especially how its body helps detect infrasonic sounds.
Freedman, R, & Morriss, J. E. (1972). The brains of animals and man. New York, NY: Holiday House, Inc. This very amusing book from the early nineteen-seventies, anecdotally compares man's brain to that of the animal.
Kirschvink, J. (1980). Magnetic material in turtles: A preliminary report and a request. Marine Turtle Newsletter. 15, 7-9. This article mentions a sea turtle hatchling dissection - it is the only article of its kind that I came across.
Lohmann, K. J. (2007). Sea turtles: Navigating with magnetism. Current Biology. 17, R102-R104. This is a very informative article that helps explain how a sea turtle navigates on Earth.
Lohmann, K. J., & Lohmann, C. M. F. (1994). Detection of magnetic inclination angle by sea turtles: A possible mechanism for determining latitude. Journal of Experimental Biology. 194, 23-32. This article explains how a sea turtle makes a virtual map in its head to navigate in the ocean.
Lutz, P, & Musick, J. (1997). The biology of sea turtles. Boca Raton: CRC Press. This book details sea turtles from inside out; it relates directly to the study of sea turtle navigation.
Maier, R. A. (1970). Comparative animal behavior. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. This older book introduces the amazing ability of a sea turtle to correctly navigate thousands of miles.
O'Connell-Rodwell, C. E. (2007). Keeping an "ear" to the ground: Seismic communication in elephants. Physiology. 22, 287-294. This journal article sheds light on how elephants communicate from herd to herd in the wild.
Papi, F., Luschi, P., Akesson, S., Capogrossi, S., & Hays, G. C. (2000). Open-sea migration of magnetically disturbed sea turtles. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 203, 3435-3443. Here is another article that adds to the argument about how sea turtles coordinate their internal mapping abilities using the earth's magnetic field.
Spotila, J. R. (2004). Sea turtles. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. This book has great pictures of sea turtles as well as detailed information helping to prove how they use magnetism.
Tucker, V. A. (2000). The deep fovea, sideways vision and spiral flight paths in raptors. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 203, 3745-3754. Here is another article on avian eyes; this one focuses on the eye abilities of the raptor.