Bring the class to an all metal railing or some other metal object that will allow for proper vibration.
Have the students place their hands, elbows, or jaws against the railing (whichever each student is able or comfortable doing).
Instruct a student to lightly tap the railing in different ways: knock lightly, knock heavily, tap it with various materials, hit it with the palm of the hand. The other students should quickly be able to feel the vibrations from the metal railing transfer into their bodies.
Without talking, have the students return to their computers or a place to write and document what they felt or discovered. This is similar to a journal response; however, it allows the student to express anything they may have felt rather than asking them for something specific.
Discuss what the students discovered during the activity.
Have students begin to research elephants and their amazing hearing abilities using kid-friendly search engines and/or online encyclopedias to obtain their information; instruct the students to keep track of their notes on a separate word processing document.