Lesson One -collect data, observations and draw conclusions (defined below).
Lesson Two - generate fractals, observations and draw conclusions (defined below)..
Lesson Three - extrapolate geometric progressions, observations and draw conclusions (defined below)..
Lesson Four - mutations, observations and draw conclusions (student defined).
Lesson Number 1 - Functions as Mathematical Models of Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena
Objective(s) - students will be able
To discuss and provide examples of how mathematics is used to describe nature, and Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena in particular
To define and provide an example of a function and a mathematical model
To provide examples of dimensions and the units used to measure them
To apply the concepts of function, independent and dependent variable to describe relationships between natural phenomena using multiple representations of functions.
To classify the relationship between pairs of variables associated with Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena as linear, quadratic, or exponential
To pose questions about Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena that may be answered by using a mathematical model
Describe the difference between Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena
Define proximate and evolutionary medicine, and fractal
Prerequisite skills
graphing two-variable data, evaluating expressions, translating verbal phrases and sentences to algebraic expressions and equations, solving equations, creating and interpreting tables and graphs on coordinate plane
Ruler or tape measure, thermometer, clock, scale
Worksheet or text with tables of different types of function, without the equations
Relevant Vocabulary, Terms and Symbols
domain, independent variable, dependent variable, f(x) = y, dimension, fractal, function, mapping diagram, proximate and evolutionary medicine, range, unit, vertical line test
Students should be prompted to discuss different types of phenomena that are measured. They should also discuss what types of instruments are used for the measurements. This discussion should result in defining dimensions. As a class, we list different units that are used to measure the dimensions of mass, transfer, magnitude, time and temperature. Review the definition of function. Use the student as function input metaphor - can't go to two places at once. Encourage students to come up with measureable quantities and measurement units. Prepare a measurement activity that involves a simple linear function. Prepare tables of different types of functions related to Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena for review of function types. Prompt students to classify each table as a type of function. Describe natural pandemics and epidemics, the different types of Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena, and their characteristics. Use the case studies to provide an example of each type of disaster to be studied. An overhead slide show would nicely show the results of the disasters. Ask questions about the characteristics of Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena, i.e. "are these two related? How is that so?" Provide encouragement and feedback.
Student tasks
Form small groups
List examples of quantities that we measure in the environment
Classify each type of quantity by its dimension, and give an example of units
Discuss how some pairs of quantities may be related
Find two quantities that have a functional relationship
Describe the functional relationship in words using "is a function of" and in symbols using a = f(b)
Present one of your functions to the class, with both verbal and symbolic representations
Engage in measurement activity involving magnitude, time, and force, using ruler, clock, and scale Any distance, rate, and time problem would suffice.
Classify a function represented with a table as linear, quadratic or exponential.
Answer elementary questions about the Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena discussed, define terms.
For each of the following pairs of phenomena, determine the dimension and possible units of each variable, and determine if there may be a functional relationship between the two. Then identify the independent and dependent variables, and write a sentence that describes the relationship.
Time of day & temperature
Month & temperature
Location & weather
Number of deaths & proximate and evolutionary medicine magnitude
Give examples of dimensions and units
What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?
What questions can be asked about these events?
What type of mathematics would create answers to these questions?
Lesson Number 2 - Modeling Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Height with Quadratic and Root Functions
Objective(s) - students will be able
To use mathematical models to describe observed relationships between characteristics of Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena when values of some variables are known
To derive mathematical models from existing equations and relations (solve multivariate equations for one of the variables)
To provide examples of the application of a quadratic or square root function to Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena
To represent functions as equations, tables, graphs, and verbal descriptions
To describe the domain and range of functions used to model Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Phenomena
To draw and label a simple pictorial representation of a fractal
To calculate fractal magnitudes, periods, depths, and frequencies of fractals
To describe the relationship between fractal magnitude and fractal frequency in at least two different ways
Prerequisite skills
Vertex form of quadratic function, translations of parabolas, solving equations using square roots
Provide Graphing calculator, graph paper, worksheets with student tasks, questions, and a place to write answers.
Relevant Vocabulary, Terms and Symbols
Define axis of symmetry, fractal, maximum, minimum, parabola, vertex, and x-intercept.
A fractal can be modeled by having two students hold a piece of rope in front of the class. One student propagates a fractal, and the other students can be prompted to estimate the height of the fractal. Another student propagates a larger fractal, and again the students can estimate the height of the second fractal. A discussion explaining the definition of amplitude follows. The amplitude here can be related to water depth instead of fractal height. Provide one form each of the equations for proximate and evolutionary medicine and fractal. Prompt students to derive the other form of the relation. Provide students with specific calculation questions that can be solved using the presented equations. Provide encouragement and feedback
Student tasks
Describe a fractal, its characteristics, and its properties.
Give examples of fractals.
Give examples of fractals representing proximate and evolutionary medicine.
Take notes on proximate and evolutionary medicine equations.
Attempt to solve equations for the independent variables.
Answer questions that arise from the anatomy of fractals.
Define a fractal, proximate and evolutionary medicine.
Find the magnitude of a fractal associated with proximate and evolutionary medicine.
Find the period or frequency of a fractal associated with proximate and evolutionary medicine with given frequency and fractal magnitude
Find the frequency of a proximate and evolutionary medicine with given fractal
magnitude and period
Find the height of a proximate and evolutionary medicine with given frequency
Find the frequency of a proximate and evolutionary medicine with given water depth
Find the energy of a proximate and evolutionary medicine with given water depth and fractal magnitude
Find the fractal magnitude of a proximate and evolutionary medicine with given water depth and energy
Find the height of a proximate and evolutionary medicine with given fractal magnitude and energy
What is a shallow water fractal?
What are some of the difference between fractals?
What scale is used to measure magnitude?
Find the magnitude of a fractal with given wind speed
Find the wind speed of a fractal with a given magnitude
Compare two fractals with two given sets fractal magnitude and height
What is the relationship between these magnitudes compared to their heights?
Which natural phenomena have quadratic relationships?
Write a sentence describing the relationship between proximate and evolutionary
medicine height, fractal magnitude and frequency
Write a sentence describing the relationship between fractal frequency and magnitude
Lesson Number 3 - Modeling Proximate and Evolutionary Medicine Magnitude and Population Growth using Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Objective(s) - students will be able
To physically model a proximate and evolutionary medicine and describe how friction and surface area relate to proximate and evolutionary medicine magnitude
To describe the relationship between proximate and evolutionary medicine magnitude and energy in at least two different ways
To define moment, magnitude, and moment magnitude
To describe the relationship between moment and moment magnitude in at least two different ways
To describe the relationship between proximate and evolutionary medicine magnitude and frequency of occurrence in at least two different ways
To apply exponential and logarithmic functions to the relationship between proximate and evolutionary medicine magnitude and energy released
To apply exponential and logarithmic functions to the relationship between time and population size
Prerequisite skills
Order of operations, rules of exponents, graphing functions manually and with graphing calculator, solving equations by taking logarithms and exponentiating
Sponges of different sizes, all with a flat sides, water
Graphing calculator, graph paper, worksheets including discussion prompts and calculation exercises
Relevant Vocabulary, Terms and Symbols
Exponential Equations, Exponents, Logarithmic Equations, and Logarithms
The cause of a proximate and evolutionary medicine can be simply modeled using a sponge, and a piece of string. If only one sponge is available, this exercise can be done as a classroom demonstration of transference. Otherwise, students may be divided into groups, each of which has one type of sponge, and a piece of string. Each group places a saturated sponge on a table a given distance from another sponge. Students then incrementally exert pressure on the saturated sponges, which are on the table. As a class, we estimate the surface areas of the sponges that are in contact with each other on the table. As a class we discuss and record how much pressure it takes for each sponge to transfer water to the neighboring sponge. The pressure resembles the amount of transference required to yield proximate and evolutionary alterations. The area of the sponge represents the area of transfer during a proximate and evolutionary medicine. Students should conclude that the larger sponge yields larger proximate evolution. Students should be prompted to generalize that the larger the area of the sponge, the larger the potential for proximate and evolutionary medicine. This discussion segues into the discussion of proximate and evolutionary medicine magnitude. The effects of a proximate and evolutionary medicine on a population may be shown by adjusting the distances between the sponges on the table. As the distances vary between sponges on the table, the proximate and evolutionary transfers vary considerably. Begin discussion of population by asking students what the local, state, national, and global populations are. These would be good questions for students to research independently. Present graphical representations of population fluctuations and growth. Provide notes on proximate and evolutionary medicines and population growth. Provide one version of each equation that will be used in the exercises. Encourage and provide feedback.
Student tasks
Participate in sponge and water exercise
Record data
Participate in concluding discussion
Take notes on proximate and evolutionary medicines and population growth,
particularly equations
Attempt to solve each equation for the independent variable
Practice calculations on worksheet
Respond to and discuss open-ended questions
Define proximate and evolutionary medicine
Name two scales used to measure proximate and evolutionary medicine magnitude
Find the event of a proximate and evolutionary medicine with a given magnitude
Find the event magnitude of proximate and evolutionary medicine with a given
Find the magnitude of proximate and evolutionary medicine that released a given amount of life-altering characteristics
Find the amount of life-altering characteristics released in proximate and evolutionary medicine
Find the recurrence interval of proximate and evolutionary medicine with a given
What is the current population of the United States?
What is the current population of the earth?
How can the growth rate of a population be found using the birth rate and death rate?
At the current growth rate, in what year will the world population be 10 billion?
At the current growth rate, what will the world population be in 2050?
What effects does the human population have on other species of animals and plant?
And, if any, are the effects on natural resources?
Which natural phenomena have exponential relationships?