Mary Lou L. Narowski
Ponyboy Curtis - 14 year old, intelligent, observant, reliable, parents killed in car crash
Darrell Curtis Ponyboy's oldest brother, 21 year old, strong, athletic, smart, quit
school to hold family together, leader of greasers, bakes chocolate cake, "superman"
Sodapop Curtis middle son, handsome, charming and fun loving, plans to marry Sandy
Johnny Cade 16 year old, black hair, large eyes, nervous, fearful, sensitive, not smart,
child of alcoholic parents
Dallas Winston tough, nicknamed Dally, came from New York gang, violent,
dangerous, proud of criminal record, protective of Johnny Cade
Two-Bit Mattews joker, shoplifter, switchblade, instigates trouble, flirt
Steve Randall Sodapop's best friend, 17 year old, works at gas station, knows cars,
cocky, intelligent, tall and lean, tough
Cherry Valance cheerleader, red hair, intrigued with Ponyboy, belongs to Socs gang
Marcia Cherry's friend, pretty, dark hair, likes the ridiculous
Randy Anderson a Soc, becomes reasonable, handsome, has pain in his life, helps
Bob Sheldon dark hair, a Soc, a fighter with heavy rings, spoiled by parents
Tim Shepard leader of another gang, restless and hungry, friends with Dally
Jerry Wood teacher, calls greasers juvenile delinquents, brings Ponyboy to hospital