Chelcey A. Williams
This unit can be used in a 3
grade classroom, during the writing/language arts block. The ultimate goals that students will attain while completing this unit are to expose students to different cultures and language through poetry; and at the same time, increase their vocabulary and comprehension in English, as well as sensitize them to the sounds of different languages. Also, this unit has been created in hopes that when students look at one another from a culture other than their own, they won't stare as if they've seen "aliens" and refer back to their wonderful cultural experience with this unit. The goal is to build tolerance, respect and empathy for different people and their culture.
Content objectives: Students will be able to explore poems in different languages from different cultures to appreciate the sound of words.
Language Objectives: Students will be able to have fun with poems in different languages, practicing pronunciation, memorization and concision with words in English and in another language. They will also read, write, speak and listen to poetry from different cultures and languages.