Ada, Alma Flor. Latinos: Hispànicos, Latinas, Hispanos. Retrieved from class poster. 2011. This is the actual poem that can be hung in the classroom as a reference.
Baker, Colin. Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 4
Edition. Tonawanda, NY; Multilingual Matters. 2006. This book explains in detail the foundation of bilingualism and how the student progresses through the second language acquisition process.
Echevarría, Jana; Vogt, MaryEllen; Short, Deborah. Making Content Comprehensible for Elementary English Learners. Boston, Ma; Pearson, Inc. 2010. This goes into detail about how to implement the SIOP model in to the classroom.
Herrera, Socorro, Murry, Kevin. Mastering ESL and Bilingual Methods. Boston, Ma; Pearson Inc. 2005. This is a shorter version on bilingualism and the second language acquisition process.
Higginson, William; Harter, Penny. The Haiku Handbook/ How to Write, Teach and Appreciate Haiku. New York, NY; Kodansha International. 1985. A small book on how to teach and write a Haiku.
Hoffman, Yoel. Japanese Death Poems: Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the verge of death. North Clarendon, VT; Tuttle Publishing. 1986. There are a lot of beautiful Haikus written by Monks.
Moore, Daniéle. Plurilingualism and Strategic Competence in Context. Vol. 3. No. 2 International Journal of Multilingualism. 2006. A thorough study on how focusing in and teaching students to utilize their primary language to build their second and third languages.