Delpit, Lisa.
Other People's Children
. New Press, 1
Edition. (August 1, 2006). A must-have resource for all instructors compelling educators to go beyond cultural comfort zones to enhance learning experiences for all students.
Franklin, John Hope.
From Slavery to Freedom
. Vintage Books, New York (1992). Provides an objective look at the Africa Diaspora, beginning with great empires of Africa through the transatlantic slave trade and Black achievement in the 20
Heard, Georgia.
Awakening the Heart: Exploring Poetry in Elementary and Middle Schoo
l. Heinemann, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (1998). Insightful re: how to teach poetry across grade levels.
Hughes, Langston.
The Langston Hughes Reader: The Select Writings of Langston Hughes
. George Braziller, NY (1981). Wide range of collected works by this Harlem Renaissance Poet Laureate.
Koch, Kenneth. Rose,
Where Did You Get That Red: Teaching Great Poetry to Children
. Vintage Books, New York (1990). For the leery-about-teaching-poetry instructor, this is a must-have resource!
Ladson-Billings, Gloria.
The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children
, 2nd Edition. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. (March 2009). Addresses cultural and societal aspects of education issues, emphasizing culturally relevant teaching practices.
Livingston, Myra Cohn.
Poem-making: Ways to Begin Writing Poetry
. Harper Collins, New York (1991). Good info on how to introduce children to the different voices and elements of poetry, from limericks to free verse and open form to haikus.
McCormick Calkins, Lucy.
The Art of Teaching Writing
. Heinemann. Portsmouth, NY. Provides creative, research-based approaches re: motivating to become engaged, blossoming writers across genre.
Norton, Donna E.
Through the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Children's Literature.
Seventh Edition. Pearson/Merrill-Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, and Columbus, Ohio (2007). An extraordinary teacher resource that encompasses literature across genre as an empowerment tool for young readers. A must-have teacher resource.
Watson, Steven.
The Harlem Renaissance: Hub of African American Culture 1920-1930
. Pantheon Books, New York, 1995. Background resource highlighting America's history and great writers of the era.