More than Rhythm and Rhyme: An Acoustic Trek through the African American Experience
Waltrina D. Kirkland-Mullins
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1 Norton, Donna. "Rhythmic Patterns of Language" from Through the Eyes of A Child: An Introduction to Children's Literature," p316
2 Greenfield, Eloise. "Rope Rhyme" from "Honey, I Love," p15
3 Guion, Lisa and Diehl, David C. "Enhancing Instruction to Connect with Diverse Audiences"
4 Smith, Jr., Charles. "I Am America"
5 Adoff, Arnold. "Black Is Brown Is Tan," p1
6 Hughes, Langston. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" from "I Am the Darker Brother: An Anthology of Modern Poems by Negro Americans," p24
7 Ibid., "The Negro Speaks of River," p24
8 Weatherford, Carole Boston. "The Capture," from "Remember the Bridge: Poem of A People," p12
9 Greenfield, Eloise. "Harriet Tubman from "Pass It On: African American Poetry for Children" selected by Wade Hudson, p23
10 "Follow the Drinking Gourd"
11 Myers, Walter Dean. "Migration"
12 Cullen, Countee. "Incident"
13 Sterling Brown. "Old Lem"
14 Dawes, Kwame. From "I Saw Your Face" written by Kwame Dawes, p1-4, Used by permission of Kwame Dawes.
15______________________________. From "I Saw Your Face," p22-25.