This unit correlates with the Connecticut Framework K-12 Curricular Goals and Content Standards for Language Arts, Social Studies, and the Arts. Upon being immersed in select children's narratives and poetic works and scaffolded instruction noted herein:
Reading, Responding, & Producing Texts. Students will describe their thoughts, opinions, and questions that arise as they read and listen to a text and use relevant info from the text to summarize the content; use what they know to identify characters, settings, themes, events, ideas, relationships, and details found within the text; work both individually and collaboratively re: collecting and examining poetry; and will read, share, and constructively critique their creative writings with partners in this regards..
Applying English Language Conventions and Exploring & Responding to Text. Students will understand that words and expressions convey meaning and in many instances have evolved and/or changed over time; declare their opinions about each of the works read, listened to, and viewed, subsequently evaluating them according to such features as character development, narrator's voice, conflict and theme.
History, Historical Thinking, & Social Studies Literacy. Students will gather historical data from multiple non-fictional, narrative, and poetic sources; identify the main idea from within those provided sources; identify ways different cultures record their history, and compare past and present situations and events; and present findings in appropriate oral, written, and visual ways, recognize that people develop traditions that transmit their beliefs and ideas, explain different types of conflict, and different ways in which conflicts have been resolved.
Acting & Technical Production. Students will imagine and clearly describe characters and their relationship to their environment through dramatic role play and expression; collaboratively plan and prepare improvisations and demonstrate various ways of staging classroom and/or performance space dramatizations for select poetic works.