Horowitz, Alexandra.
Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know
. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, Inc. (2009). An interesting resource written by a cognitive scientist that explains how dogs perceive their daily world.
Light, Douglas B.
The Human Body: How it Works - The Senses
. New York, NY: Chelsea House Publishers (2005). An interesting resource that explains the human body's sense organs as a physical link between the brain and its surrounding environment.
Roberts, Royston M.
Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science
. New York, NY: Wiley (1989). A resource portraying serendipitous scientific discoveries stemming from curiosity, perseverance, and luck.
Wall, G.L.
The Vertebrate Eye and Its Adaptive Radiation
. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of Science (1942). A classic book on the different eyes of vertebrates and how they have adapted to their environments.
Web Resources:
Other Resources:
Dubielzig, Richard, DVM, University of Wisconsin. Professor of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Sciences, email on April 30, 2013.
Zeiss, Caroline, PhD, BVSc, DACVP, Yale University. Professor of Comparative Medicine and Associate Professor of Opthamology and Visual Science, interview on Wednesday April 17, 2013.
Children's Resources:
Almadingen, K. and Gold-Dworkin, Heidi. Exploring Light and Color. McGraw-Hill (1999). A terrific resource that not only provides activities that give information about color and light, but is presented from a child's point-of-view, in response to a typical child's questions.
Fielding, Beth.
Animal Eyes
. Waynesville, NC: Early Light Books, Inc. (2011). A bright, colorful book that describes the fascinating features of different creatures' eyes, including see-through eyes, glow-in-the-dark eyes, and giant eyes.
Land, Michael F. and Nilsson, Dan-Eric.
Animal Eyes (Oxford Animal Biology)
. Oxford, NY. Oxford University Press (2002). A comprehensive book that looks at the structure and function of animal eyes.
Levine, Shar.
The Optics Book: Fun Experiments with Light, Vision, and Color
. New York, NY. Sterling Publishing (1999). A book for the children in the middle grades, describing experiments that demonstrate the properties of light and how light can be ulitized for various purposes.
Riley, Peter.
Light and Color (Straightforward Science)
. Danbury, CT. Franklin Watts/Grolier Publishing (1998). This book covers all of the main properties of light and color. It addresses where light comes from, colors in nature, and how the eye works.
Simon, Seymour.
Eyes and Ears
. New York, NY: HarperCollins (2005). A fabulous resource for children explaining the functions of these two sensory organs, including the photoreceptors of the eye and the optic nerve. The authors also explain how the signals from the eyes and ears get to our brains.