This unit will span a total of four to five class periods. This is a block schedule and different days of the week will have different class lengths. For example Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday class periods are 87 minutes long. Thursday class periods are approximately 66 minutes. Friday classes are approximately 60 minutes. Teachers can feel free to shorten or extend this unit to work with in their class times and curricula. This unit is student centered and open ended. The purpose is to have students become proficient at working on their own and with others at accessing and analyzing information and problem solving and critical thinking, two strains of the 21
Century Competency.
This unit will be unique, as the beginning of it will be approximately three class periods. Once this lesson-based learning is complete, the experiments will start. Because of the experiments may take days or weeks to complete, this unit will begin and then while the experiments are taking place other units may be taught. Once the experiments are complete, students will analyze the results and finish the unit.