Objective: Students will reflect on their learning and discussions from this unit. This will include their comfort with the design process, facts that were most interesting to them while learning and researching the how a battery works, different types of batteries, the history of batteries, and the results of the classroom experiments.
Rational: It is important as an educator to allow for reflection of students’ work. It allows them to process and reflect on the learning that has occurred and the collaboration that took place. This helps students identify material that they truly understand and material that they would like to continue to work on. By allowing students to think about their strengths and weakness in a safe learning environment, they will become stronger students. The student, along with the teacher, will know if more explanations or learning will be needed in order for the student to move on to new material or advanced material. I, as an educator, also use this time to determine what changes will be needed when teaching this unit in the future. If students all respond that they did not understand something, the next time I teach this unit I will focus more time on that specific topic or material. It also lets me know if the estimated time allocated to classroom lesson or activity was sufficient.
Classroom assignment: Give the students the remainder of the class period to answer these questions. If they do not finish, they will need to complete it as homework. Please instruct them to answer these questions in their own words honestly, with as much detail as possible. This information is to help them understand their learning during this unit, and it will help the teacher make it better for the future.
What was the biggest challenge you had while working on the assignments and activities for this unit?
What would you do differently if you were to do this again?
If you had to do the same project but could change it in any way what would you do? (Time constraint, different materials, has longer or shorter time to work on it, etc.)
Do you feel you have a deeper understanding of the design process? Please explain.
Do you feel you have a deeper understanding of the history of batteries? Please explain.
Do you feel you have a deeper understanding of the how batteries work? Please explain.
Do you feel you have a deeper understanding of the different types of batteries and their uses? Please explain.
Do you have any suggestions for the teacher on how to improve this for the next class?
Students will upload all of these questions and answers to their online drives which they can use for their senior portfolio if desired.