Grayce P. Storey
Culture is a term that has been around for many, many years. I recall culture once being defined as ways of doing things and the environment as our surroundings. It is my desire to bring new meaning to these modified and condensed definitions. Emphatically culture is more than what just meets the eyes. It is much more extensive. Man’s enhanced ability through his culture has allowed him to do things that his muscles and senses cannot do.
Given time and knowledge, man is very adaptable. Human nature has innately instilled in man the desire to survive. Science has informed us that even simple animals act on information carried on in the genes. Therefore we are led to believe that our actions, feelings, and thoughts are to an extent, inherieted. Nevertheless, some are spurred on by society.
Social scientists define culture as the holistic style. In order for cultural patterns in a society or societies to develop into its fullest potential, there must be an investment in education. Resources must be available to create both the diversity of the media and educate the environment so it may produce happy and healthy citizens for a productive democracy.
The more we get to know how much we have in common, how much we are alike, and appreciate the diversity among mankind, then the true reality of cultural patterns will be more acceptable. It is with this thought in mind that I wish to bring out several factors in this unit, such as: the family and school, moral values, the brain, memory and intellect, and technology. Included are also lesson plans, experiment, a reading list for students and teachers, vocabulary list, and a bibliography.
This unit may be taught in grades six through twelve. This unit may be incorporated in such classes as health, science, economics, history, civics, or English. It is my desire that the content of this unit will magnify our intellect as to the cultural patterns in relationship to the mind.
(Recommended for Science classes, grades 6-12)