1. Chapple, Eliot D.; “Culture and Biological Man,” Holt, Rinehart and Winston INC, New York, 1970.
2. Clark, Ann L.; “Culture Childbearing Health Professionals,” F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 1979.
3. Cole , Michael and Scribner, Sylvia; “Culture and Thought,” John Wiley and Sons, INC. New York, 1974.
4. Coleman, James C.; “Personality Dynamics and Effective Behavior,” Scott Foresman and Company, New Jersey, 1960.
5. Opler, Marvin K.; “Culture, Psychiatry and Human Values,” Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; Springfield, Illinois, 1956.
6. Tannell, Gary G.; “Culture and Biology,” Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minn., 1973.
7. Kimball, Solom T., “Culture and The Educative Process,” Teachers College Press, Teachers College Columbia University, New York, 1974.