In the earlier part of the twentieth century producers like the Warner Brothers realized the fascination that both young and old have with films. The impact on high school students today is no different.
To balance students' frequent lack of knowledge about other minorities and cultures, this writer believes that it would be beneficial for high school students to have a curriculum concerning anti-Semitism in modern history. A curriculum, with three lesson plans concerning this subject would be unique in comparison to the average history or civics class. It would be an attention-grabber, a requirement when working with students who are not academically motivated.
This curriculum study encompasses the Jewish experience in Europe and the emergence of modern anti-Semitism in the 1880's. It includes
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
, the Dreyfus Affair, Babi Yar, and the Holocaust, seen through the camera lenses of five films:
Long is the Road, Schindler's List, The Pianist, Mr. Klein,
The Homicide
The Jewish response to anti-Semitism includes such noted writers and poets as: Chaim Nachman Bialik, Leon Pinsker, Yevgeni Yevtushenko, and others. Finally, three high school lesson plans are included for students.
(Developed for History and Social Sciences, High School grades 10-12; recommended for History and Social Studies, High School grades 10-12)