Bialik, C. Nachman.
Select Poems of Chaim Nachman Bialik
. Edited and selected by David Aberbach. The Overlook Press, 2000.
Select poems by Chaim Nachman Bialik.
The Hebrew author and father of modern Hebrew poetry describes the uniqueness of Jewish life in Europe.
Bialik, C. Nachman.
Complete Poetic Works
. Translated from Hebrew. Edited with introduction by Israel Efros: illustrated by Lionel S. Reiss, 1948. Poetry by Chaim Nachman Bialik describing Jewish life in Europe. Bialik is considered the father of modern Hebrew poetry.
Cohn, Norman.
Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World. Conspiracy and the Protocol of the Elders of Zion.
Chico, California: Scholars Press, 1981. Cohn explains the fallacy of blaming the Jews for supposedly trying to conspire to take over the world. According to his writings, it is unthinkable that such a plan would be part of a Jewish world vision.
Gilbert, Martin.
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust
. London: Collins, 1986. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust is a one-volume reference source detailing the history of European Jewry, Jewish contributions to European societies and the emergence of anti-Semitism and Nazism. The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust is a source covering many Jewish subjects: Babi Yar, a massacre which took place on June 20, 1941, is described in great detail. Babi Yar was a small ravine outside the city of Kiev where the Germans murdered 33,771 Jews.
Gruber, E. Ruth. "Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Attracts Attention Sixty Years Later."
Connecticut Jewish Ledger,
Vol. 75, No. 17 (2003): 18-19. This article describes the Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazis in 1943 according to Marek Edelman, the only surviving commander of the Warsaw revolt. The uprising was the first open rebellion against the Germans in occupied Europe.
Hiltzik, A. Michael. "Russian Court Rules Protocol an Anti-Semitic Forgery."
Los Angeles Times.
(November 28, 1993) Hiltzik reviews the Russian court's belated historical ruling, pronouncing the infamous "Protocol of the Elders of Zion" to be an anti-Semitic forgery.
Kintisch, Eli. "Museum in D.C. Marks Ten Years."
Connecticut Jewish Ledger
, Vol. 75, No. 17 (2003): 20. This article describes the planning and success of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. The Museum is one of the top tourist attractions in Washington D.C.
Museum of Jewish Heritage. New York: 2003. http
The Museum is a memorial to the Holocaust. Its objective is to educate the Public about the Jewish experience in the 20th century before, during, and after the Holocaust.
New Haven Public School Academic Performance Standards.
New Haven: New Haven Public School Publication, 2003. A brochure issued by the New Haven Public Schools with the objective to guide teachers to follow common performance standards using specific disciplines.
Nicholson, Michal and Winner, David.
Raoul Wallenberg. Milwaukee: Gareth Publishing, 1989. The authors describe Raoul Wallenberg as the son of neutral Swedish citizens who took upon himself an impossible mission. As a result of his brave actions, Wallenberg saved 100,000 Jews from the Nazi Holocaust before disappearing under mysterious circumstances.
Pinsker, Leon.
Auto Emancipation
. Federation of American Zionists, 1916. Pinsker appeals to the Jewish people to wake up and ask themselves how long they will accept anti-Semitism. He makes the Jewish people ask themselves: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if not now, when?" --Hillel
Polan, Judy. "A College Project Becomes Hannah Lewis' Tool in Teaching Seventh Graders About the Holocaust."
Connecticut Jewish Ledger
, Vol. 75, No. 17 (2003): 22. This article describes Kingswood Oxford teacher Hannah Lewis and the Holocaust curriculum she developed. The curriculum is most suitable for seventh graders.
Schulman, Sam. "Farewell to the Holocaust."
Connecticut Jewish Ledger
, Vol. 75, No. 17 (2003): 11. In an Op-Ed article, Schulman questions whether the Holocaust has been forgotten. He says that causes for anti-Semitism are no clearer today than before the Holocaust.
Snyder, L. Louis.
The Dreyfus Case, a Documentary History
. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1973. Snyder describes the chronology of the Dreyfus case, beginning with how Dreyfus was selected as the culprit, his arrest, the act of false accusation, humiliation, and the guilty verdict.
Strumpf, Manny. "Holocaust Survivor Joseph Korzenik Tells History to Fight Against Hate."
Connecticut Jewish Ledger
, Vol. 75, No. 17 (2003): 9. This article describes Korzenik's experiences in war-torn Europe during the Holocaust. He emphasizes that hate does more damage to the individual who hates than to he who is hated.
Trescott, Jaqueline. "History that Defies the Flames."
Washington Post, (April 30, 2003): C 01. Trescott describes a particularly sad experience in German history. On May 10, 1933 German students, followers of Hitler and of the Nazis, stood around a large bonfire and threw thousands of Jewish books into the flames to the sounds of a cheering crowd.
Tugend, Tom. "Studying the Holocaust to Understand the Future."
Connecticut Jewish Ledger
, Vol. 75, No. 17 (2003): 21. Berenbaum, one of the world's leading scholars on the Holocaust, describes the purpose for studying the Holocaust and its aftermath. According to Berenbaum, studying the Holocaust could serve as a guide for future generations.
Wolf, Lucient.
The Jewish Bogey and the Forged Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion.
London: Press Committee of the Jewish Board of Deputies, 1920. Wolf describes the development of the Protocol's forgery, in additions to how modern anti-Semitism took a new face, blaming the Jews for conspiring to take over the world.