I. Preguntas.
1. ¿ A quién escribe la narradora una carte?
2. ¿ Dónde se encuentra la muchacha mientras escribe?
3. ¿ Qué ve la muchacha en el jard’n de Mart’n?
4. ¿ Qué hace la vecina de Mart’n cuando él está enfermo?
5. ¿ Dónde está Mart’n ahora?
6. ¿ Cuál es el motivo básico de la chica al escribir la carte?
7. ¿ Por qué no puede ver bien io que está escribiendo?
8. Según ella, ¿ qué necesidad siente la juventud?
9. ¿ Por qué roban mucho en la colonia de Mart’n?
10. Según la narradora, ¿ qué aguardan todas las mujeres?
11. ¿ Qué hace ella con la carte de amor?
12. ¿ Qué recado piensa dejar con la vecina?
II. Discusión o composición.
1. ¿ Que impresión tiene Ud. de Mart’n?
2. ¿ Como es el amor de la muchacha? ¿ Qué piensa Ud. de su actitud hacia los hombres? ¿ A ella le interesar’a el movimiento feminista? ¿ Por qué?
3. ¿ Por qué al fin duda (hesitate) la muchacha en echar la carte debajo de la puerta?
4. Se–ale Ud. varies imágenes o comparaciones poéticas que use la chica para describir sus sentimientos.
III. Sinónimos. Emplee Ud. palabras del vocabulario preliminar en luger de las palabras subrayadas (underlined).
1. La chica dejó
un mensaje
para el jefe.
2. Me encanta
la fragrancis
de estas flores.
3. La secretaria me
que el director habia salido.
4. Dijo que volver’a
la calle.
6. En aquel pa’es la gente
tiene la costumbre de
afar un paseo sodas las tardes.
7. Ella tiene
una care
IV. Preguntas Personales. Repase Ud. el vocabulario preliminar antes de contester.
1. ¿ Cómo se puede cruzar el mar?
2. ¿ Usan espadas los soidados de hoy?
3. ¿ Qué va a hacer Ud. pasado ma–ana?
4. En su opinión, ¿ qué actor o actr’z tiene un rostro muy atractivo?
5. ¿ Suele Ud. dar paseos por el parque? ¿ Por qué?
6. ¿ Qué retratos hay en tu casa?
7. ¿ Te hen robado dinero alguna vez?
8. Cuando no comprendes bien una lección, ¿ a quién debes advertir?
9. ¿ Con qué cosas relacionas la palabra “jardin?”
10. ¿ Termina esta clase dentro de poco? ¿Cuándo?
Day 1
To acquaint students with the geography of Mexico (i.e. major cities, surrounding countries and bodies of water, mountain ranges, rivers, volcanos)
I. Geography-Pass out to students map of Mexico (Teacher uses identical map on overhead projector so students will be able to follow along in labeling.)
II. Students will label the bordering regions, bodies of water surrounding Mexico. (i.e. Estados Unidos, Océano Pac’fico, Golfo de México, Guatemala, Belice)
III. Students will label major cities (i.e. Ciudad de México, Taxco, Acapulco, Tijuana, Chichén-Itzá, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Merida).
IV. Students will label mountain ranges (i.e. Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental, Sierra Madre del Sur).
V. Students will label Mexico’s famous volcanos (i.e. Ixtacc’huatl, Popocatépetl and Paricut’n).
VI. Students will label Rio Bravo and the Peninsuia de Yucatan.
VII. Students will take turns reading aloud information provided (xerox copies) about Mexico. After each paragraph is read, students can be asked questions pertaining to that paragraph to foster oral use of Spanish.
Students will read up to top of page 3 (the reading includes geography and facts about Mexico City).
Write out complete sentences and answers to 1-12 page 5 of xeroxed material.
NOTES: Students should be required to repeat the names of cities, volcanos, mountain ranges, etc. as many times as possible to master the correct pronunciation.
If xeroxing isn’t a budget problem, students might be allowed to write on the xeroxed material. Otherwise, exercises should be written on separate sheets of notebook paper. Students should be able to write on their own copy of the map of Mexico.
Day 2
Review material introduced in class day before and introduce students to Mexican culture via reading.
I. Check and correct homework from night before.
II. Continue reading the xeroxed material by having individual students read aloud; stop to ask questions after each paragraph to enforce speaking skills. Reading should be finished in class.
III. Review the geography of Mexico by asking students questions about cities, mountain ranges, volcanos, river, bordering countries, etc.
IV. Announce a quiz on Mexico’s geography for Day 5.
Homework: Do remainder of fill-in sentences on Page 5-6 making sure to write each sentence out. (Sentences #13-24).
Day 3
Review geography of Mexico and culture introduced day before
I. Check and correct homework from previous night.
II. Ask students oral questions pertaining to
geographical features of Mexico:
¿ Cuál es la capital de México?
¿ Cómo se llama la pen’nsula que está al sur de México?
¿ Cuál ciudad tiene el nombre de una especie de perro?
¿ Cuál ciudad tiene playas magn’ficas en la costa del Pac’fic?
¿ Cuál ciudad es famosa por sus canales y jardines flotantes?
¿ Cuál ciudad es conocida por su plata?
¿ Cuál es el volcán activo?
¿ Cómo se llama el r’o de México?
¿ Como se llaman los dos Volcanes inactivos deMéxico?
¿ Cómo se llaman las cordilleras de monta–as deMéxico?
¿ Cuales son los paises que tienen fronteras con México?
¿ Cuál océano está en la parse oeste del pa’s?
¿ Cuál golfo está en la parse este del pa’s?
Write out the correct answers to the Exercises on page 6 (i e. Exercises A & B)
Day 4
To visually acquaint students with distinctive sites from Mexico.
I. Check and correct last night’s homework
II. Show class slides or filmstrip on sites in Mexico; Students may be asked questions about certain slides or filmstrip frames prior to my explanation (i.e. En cual ciudad estan estos jardines flotantes y canales con barcos?
III. Having shown slides/pictures of the mariachis, the class might be introduced to “Cielito Lindo”
IV. Review the map of Mexico for tommorrow’s quiz
Homework: Study the map of Mexico for quiz.
Day 5
To evaluate students’ knowledge of the geography of Mexico
To introduce students to Mexican literature
I. Briefly review major cities; borders, mountains, etc.
II. Quiz (i.e. same map students were given at the start of the unit)
III. Give students some background information on the economic condition of Mexico and mention that poverty is something most Mexicans live with. Have students read the Introduction to “E1 Té de la Ternura” by Guadalupe Amor on page 8 of xeroxed material. Ask students to find Monterrey on the map of Mexico.
IV. Introduce Preliminary Vocabulary using the words in sentences on the board. Have students repeat each sentence after word has been used in a sentence.
Write out the Exercise pp. 8-9 using the Preliminary Vocabulary introduced in class.
Day 6
To review the vocabulary words introduced on Friday (Day 5) To acquaint students with a literary style from Mexico.
I. Check and correct homework
II. Ask individuals to read aloud on p. 9; after first paragraph stop to ask questions about it (These questions might be taken from p. 10 1-4 for first paragraph, 5-8 for the second paragraph, 9-11 for the last paragraph) Continue until story is read.
III. Open a discussion with suggestions from page 11 of xerox sheets. Allow students to speak about the problems of the narrator, why he seems relieved when his wife brings him the tea, a description of the wife and an opinion of her and identifying the pessimistic or optimistic aspect of the story.
IV. Announce a quiz on the Preliminary Vocabulary for Day 10.
Write out I. & III. pp. 10-11 on xeroxed sheets.
Day 7
To analyze the main themes in “E1 té de la Ternura” To review the new-vocabulary presented in the story
I. Check and correct homework
II. Ask students questions and have them respond orally to questions using the Preliminary Vocabulary
i.e. ¿Te que jas mucho?
¿De qué te quejas?
¿Eres terco?
¿Conoces a alguien que es terco? ¿Es amargo el café?
¿Vuelves a jugar al fútbol americano?
¿al béisbol?
Describa Ud. su vivienda
¿Te pones nerviosa cuando no recibes buenas notas?
III. Ask students to write an original sentence using expressions not used in the questions above (i.e. por lo tanto, a lo mejor, el gasto, por más que,el modo de ser) If time allows, this exercise might be corrected in class. If not, it can be collected and given back to students corrected the next day.
Write out IV. & V. p. 11 of xeroxed sheets.
Day 8
To acquaint students with up-to-date factual data on Mexico. To acquaint students with Mexican art after the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
I. Check and correct homework
II. Introduce various Mexican artists and their works in chronological order. The major themes of such artists as Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siquieros, José Guadalupe Posada and La Ciudad Universitaria should be discussed using book illustrations or slides if available. Before discussing theme, students should give their impressions of what the artist is conveying.
III. Remind students that there will be a vocabulary quiz Day 10 and that they should start studying half of the words tonight.
IV. Discuss with students major political and social events going on today in Mexico. Discussion of earthquake in Mexico City on 19th of September 1985 and its casualties.
Xerox sheet (handed out separately) with fill-in sentences to be completed using the Preliminary vocabulary words.
Day 9
To acquaint students with an organized effort by Spanish-speaking vocal artists to raise money for the poor children of Latin America and Africa. To organize a “fiesta” or a trip to a Mexican restaurant to sample foods of Mexico.
I. Check/correct homework from previous night.
II. Pass out xerox sheet with the lyric to “Cantaré, Cantarás” and explain the reason this song was created and the funds produced by the sale of the album, which can only be obtained in Mexico.
III. Encourage students to sing along after they have heard two times. Go over the translation in English.
IV. Organize a fiesta or a trip to a Mexican restaurant depending on what the majority of the students prefer. If a fiesta is preferred, then recipes should be made available to those preparing a dish. Also a list of stores that provide products with which to make the specialties. Recipe books should be made available with suggestions of
easy recipes
to follow.
Study for Vocabulary Quiz on Preliminary vocabulary.
Day 10
To evaluate the students’ knowledge af vocabulary introduced in Guadalupe Amor’s “Té de la Ternura.” To introduce another Mexican author, Elena Poniatowska and one of her contributions to Mexican literature.
I. Students will have a brief review of vocabulary before taking the quiz.
II. Students will take turns reading aloud the introduction to “El Recado” on p. 12 of the xeroxed material.
III. Introduce the Preliminary Vocabulary Study by giving a definition of the word in Spanish (using a synonym, antonym, or drawing). Use each word in a sentence so students can see how it is used in context. Have students repeat each sentence at least once.
Write out the Exercise p. 12 on separate sheet of paper.
Day 11
To review the vocabulary words introduced yesterday.
To analyze the literary style of a female Mexican writer.
I. Check and carrect the Exercise p. 12 (homework) Announce a quiz on these words for Day 13.
II. Have students take turns reading “E1 Recado” pp. 13-14
Stop students after each paragraph to ask questions about what was just read. Questions may be taken from Exercise I. p. 15 Preguntas
Write out Exercises I. & II. p. 15 For II. divide each composition question among the students by rows (each row having to do one under II.) At least 5 sentences must be written for each numbered question.
Day 12
To gain a general understanding of Elena Poniatowska’s style. To review the vocabulary introduced in this story.
I. Check and correct the Exercises I & II. (For the latter one have different students read their 5 sentences.)
II. Have students write out exercise III. from p. 16 of xeroxed material; after this is finished corrections can be made asking students to go to the board to write their sentence.
III. Students may be asked orally IV. p. 16 (or if there’s time they may be asked to write it out on paper).
Study Preliminary vocabulary to “El Recado” for a quiz.
Day 13
To evaluate students’ knowledge of vocabulary learned from “El Recado”
To compare themes between “El té de la Ternura” and “El Recado”
I. Review vocabulary words before giving quiz
II. Quiz on Vocabulary in “El Recado”
III. Ask students to contrast the themes in “El té de la Ternura” and “El recado” Announce that there will be a quiz on Day 15 which will include writing about the 2 short stories and will include the artists discussed last week and their themes.
IV. Assign homework assignment and give example of what is being asked using 2 different stories to compare and contrast.
Compare and contrast “E1 té de la ternura” and “El recado” Write out what both stories have in common and what differences there are between them.
Day 14
To review the major themes of the two literary works studied. To review the major themes of the artists discussed previous week.
I. Ask individuals to read what similarities existed between the two literary works.
II. Ask students to read what differences they found existed in the two works. Ask for opinions on which work they liked better.
III. Review the murals and artists discussed last week; show students the pieces of art again and ask them to distinguish who did what piece of art work. Discuss differences/smilarities between the themes in the art pieces and the literary works. The years in which the literature was written or the art pieces were done may coincide and therefore may have similar themes?
Study notes on art and literature discussed in class. Be prepared to take a quiz on Mexican art and literature. Also, after the quiz, a Fiesta Mexican-style.
Day 15
To evaluate the students’ understanding of the post Revolution art and 1iterature in Mexico.
I. Quiz on art and literature in Mexico after the Revolution
II: Fiesta—Students should be able to make such dishes as tacos, empanadas (these can be bought frozen in supermarkets), flan, chili con carne, cookies, burritos, Guacamole dip, corn bread.
(figure available in print form)
(figure available in print form)