The study of aerodynamics has provided the modern world with one of the most efficient modes of transportation. It is important to recognize that it is mainly through its applicability and technology that man will be able to explore the new frontier space.
The application of aerodynamics is embodied in various mathematical concepts. It is this relationship between aerodynamics and mathematics that this unit will explore.
The purpose of this unit will be to find these mathematical concepts that are embodied in the study of aerodynamics, and to present these to a group of average and below average students.
The development of this unit will be justified in the emphasis placed on making mathematics relevant and practical, and probably meaningful to students, providing them with a “peek’’ into a topic whose concepts are not available in their school environment.
Aims This unit is designed to help students to:
(a) acquire the technical and scientific vocabulary;
(b) understand the concepts of aerodynamics;
(c) to develop the ability to apply their mathematical skills to the concepts of aerodynamics;
(d) to gather information and present it in tabular form;
(e) to design and perform experiments based on their knowledge and concepts of the topic.