1. The ability to group the meaning of the underlying concepts in the topic of aerodynamics.
2. The ability to integrate these concepts with their mathematical skills;
3. The ability to do basic mathematical computations
4. The ability to use facts, principles and concepts to solve problems
5. To analyze and organize information so that they may be used selectively.
Experimental skills
a. Plan experiments
b. Manipulate the experiment
c. Work effectively with each other
d. To make observations
Limitations of This Unit
The unit makes an attempt to develop a mathematical course outline that will be suitable for students in a math application course. These students are usually those who have difficulty in Mathematics, caused either by lack of motivation in the subject or students who have failed to grasp the basic concepts.
The main aim of the unit is to teach the basic mathematical concepts with an emphasis of its usability in the aircraft trade.
To make the unit more realistic students will make visits to aircraft plants to get a first hand look of how the concepts learned can be used. It would be more applicable if the unit could be taught in conjunction with the vocational trade, where students can actually use the materials.
To teach must of the concepts it will be necessary to use pictures and designs of present day aircraft.
Because of the limitation of space for the unit the content cannot be provided for all the objects stated. The references will provide the teacher with more content area.