Indians of Connecticut
1. to make the students aware that before the arrival of white people in America, there were Indians living here. 2. that they had many things in common with the Taino Indians but were different people with different costumes, foods, and different life styles in general as influenced by their climate, the soil, and other natural and geographic conditions.
Students will
study new vocabulary words
read passages
make comments
read maps and compare the map of the Indians of Connecticut with the map of the tainos in Puerto Rico (Review. When working with this type of student, a lot of repetition is necessary)
describe pictures
complete written assignments
blackboard with the new vocabulary words
dittos with reading passages
map of North America to look for Virginia, Tennessee, and other places in the South
Words to Study
migration, spades, wigwams, till, proud, spoil, fought, freedom, wisdom, bravery, ignore, lead, agreement, village, bead, hereditary, aprons The students will give the meanings, and the teacher will write them on the blackboard.
using dittos with map of the Connecticut Indians
The teacher will explain that Now we will learn about the American Indians, specifically the Indians of Connecticut. The teacher tries to motivate the students into the need for discovering, comparing, and drawing conclusions.
The teacher will have in advance the new vocabulary words written on the blackboard, and will ask the students to read the words, to write them out, and to look for their meanings in the dictionary. (The teacher can assign one word to each student in the interest of time.)
Because the students are poor or nonreaders, a model teacher reading is recommended, in order to illustrate to the whole group about the story.
Questions for Discussion
Why did the Indian tribes fight each other?
Why did the American Indians not do much farming?
What do you think the relationship between the parents and the children was?
How was the chief of the Connecticut Indians elected? Do you remember how the chief of the Taino Indians was elected?
What did the Connecticut Indians call their chief? What did the Tainos call their chief?
Mention some ceremonies celebrated by the Indians of Connecticut.