Alegna, Ricardo E.
Historia de Nuestra Indios:
Collection de Estudios Puerto rique—nos San Juan de Puerto Rico 1984.
Art of West African Kingdoms.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Banquer, Barbara and Amy Aledort. “Literature and the Special Education Student” Curriculum Unit by Fellows of the YaleNew Haven Teachers Institute, 1985. Vol. III.
Barret, Maria.
Meet Thomas Jefferson.
Carlson, G.
Rooted Like the Ash Trees: New England Indians and the Land.
Celebrate Connecticut: 350 Years, 16351985: Connecticut History and Culture, An Historical Overview and Resource Guide for Teachers
Clark, Thomas, Ray Compton, and Amber Wilson.
America’s Frontier:
Chicago: Lyon and Carnahan, 1962.
Cooper, Karen C.
Young Peoples’ New England Bibliography.
(A series on the Algonquins, Squanto and the Pilgrims, and other subjects)
Cutright, Prudence and John Jarolinck.
Living in the Americas.
Davidson, Basil and the editors of TimeLife Books.
African Kingdoms.
Halliburton, Warren, J.
The People of Connecticut.
Hoyt, Addie F.
Land of Steady Habits, Connecticut, U.S A.
Hyde, J.A. Lloyd.
“The Connecticut Indians and the Settlers” The Antiquarians: the Bulletin of the Antiquarians and Landmarks Society, Inc. of Connecticut. Vol. I. June, 1949
Kagan, Myrna.
Vision in the Sky: New Haven’s Early Years: 16381783
Miller, Ted and Earl Davis.
The Mildly Handicapped Student.
New York: Grune and Stratton, Inc., 1982.
Osterweis, Rollin G.
Three Centuries of New Haven, 16381938
Reading Exercises on the History and Culture of Puerto Rico. New Haven Public Schools: Bilingual Education Program.
Shumway, Floyd and Richard Hegel.
New Haven: An Illustrated History.
Spizzini, Linda.
An Educational Coloring Book of Northeast Indians
Tovar, Federico.
Encyclopedia Puertorrique
Townsend, Charles H.
The Quinnipiack Indians and their Reservations.
New Haven, CT: Rainbow.
United Federation of Teachers.
Puerto Rican History and Culture
Wilbur, C. Keith.
The New England Indians: An Illustrated Sourcebook of Authentic Details about Everyday Indian Life.
Chester, CT: GlobePequot Press.