Students will successfully analyze the scaled proportions of the facade of Center Church on New Haven Green and determine the actual dimensions of the facade.
Scale drawing of the facade of Center Church, by Leoni W. Robinson, Ruler, pencil
Give each student a color copy of church.
1. Take students to visit church before doing this project.
2. Have each student to take notes on elements of structural design that they did not notice on their first visit.
3. Pass out rulers, pencils and copy of scale drawing.
4. They will work individually on this project and will be given at least 2 nights to complete the analysis of this building. Students may enlarge copy of design to suit themselves.
5. When students have completed assignments have a critique with students about analysis. Let individual students discuss their analysis and suggest ways in which analysis could be improved.
6. Display copies of the analysis in class, but allow students to keep a copy in their work portfolio. (See completed copy of a student’s work) Note that the top of the steeple is missing from this drawing because of the percentage enlargement but the student estimated the remaining height from the copy that was given to him at the beginning of the class.
Extended Activity:
1. Have student put church in a grid using transparent grid paper.
2. Design and color motifs for a facade for a building.
(figure available in print form)