*1. Brown, Elizabeth Mills “New Haven: A Guide to Architecture and Urban Design,” Yale University Press, 1976 New Haven, Connecticut.
Basically a tourist guide through the streets and districts of New Haven. It includes a capsule history of New Haven relating periods of architecture and individual architects to buildings in town. By far the best reference to New Haven architecture in existence.
*2. Downing, Andrew Jackson “The Architecture of Country Houses” Dover Publications, 1969 (originally 1950) New York City.
A patternbook of American domestic architecture published in 1850. If summarizes the basic American romantic vision of home, individualism and illustrates the values of a young republic politically liberated from the social traditions and authority of England and Europe.
3. Durand, J.N.L. “Art and Science of Architecture” Rizzoli International Publications Inc. 1990 New York.
*4. Dusen, Albert E. Van “Connecticut” Random House 1961 New York.
A capsule history of the emergent changes in architecture in Connecticut between the period 1700-1900’s.
*5. Historic American Buildings Survey #9 “New Haven Architecture” U.S. Department of Interior, 1970 Washington D.C.
Book includes detailed plans, elevations, details, and ornaments of several distinguished buildings. It contains dates and facts about the history of the building each building.
6. Jackson, J.B. “The Necessity for Ruins” University of Massachusetts Press, 1980 Amherst, Massachusetts.
Volume discusses the significance given to a variety of settings including “sacred groves”, Mainstreet gardens, basic focus is on vernacular American sense of the monument.
*7. Jones, Owen “The Grammer of Ornament” Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 1972 (originally 1856) New York City.
A patternbook of World Ornament.
8. Kranz, Steward and Fisher, Robert “The Design Continuum An Approach to Understanding Visual Forms” Van Nostrand Reinhold 1966 New York.
9. Moore, Charles; Allen, Gerald and Lyndon Donlyn “The Place of Houses” Holt, Rinehart 1974 New York.
*10. Osterweis, Rollin G. “Three Centuries of New Haven 1638-1938” New Haven Colony Historic Society, New Haven & London Yale University Press 1953, New Haven, Connecticut.
*11. Risebero, Bill “The Story of Western Architecture” Charles Scribriers Son 1979 New York.
A clear, concise exposition on the evolution and growth of Western architectural forms.
12. Sammerson, John “The Unromantic Castle” Thames & Hudson Inc. 1990 New York.
Book contains essays about English architecture from 1940-1981. It describes problems of Elizabethean draftsmen, analyze English classical 18th century country houses and discusses aspects of Victorian architecture.
13. Seymour, George Dudley “New Haven” Tuttle, Moorehouse & Taylor Co. 1942 New Haven Connecticut.
*14. Summerson, John “The Classical Language of Architecture” M.I.T. Press 1976 (originally 1963) Cambridge, Massachusetts.
A review of the elements of the classical architecture of Western culture. Useful for both amateur and professional studies of architecture.
*15. Von Meiss, Pierre “Elements of Architecture” Van Nostrand Reinhold (International), 1989 New York.
A clear and concise explanation of the logic, science, and techno-science of architecture.
16. Milstein, Jeffrey Design of Chateau 1860-1890 Paperhouse Productions, 1983 New York.
* Readings from these are quite enjoyable and adaptable for student reading.