Child abuse occurs when physical, emotional, or sexual harm is inflicted upon the child by an adult. The following are brief descriptions of types of abuse:
Physical Abuse:
Severe bodily harm caused to a child. It may be inflicted by hand or various objects.
Sexual Abuse:
Occurs when an adult sexually fondles or inappropriately engages in sexual activity with a child. “The offender usually is a person the child knows and trusts, such as family members, family friend, child care worker, or school employee” (Arbetman 323). The child is often threatened into not reporting the abuse. However, reports of abuse are on the rise every day.
Involves a lack of meeting basic essential needs. These needs include adequate food, clothing, shelter, and personal care.
Unfortunately, children who are involved in abusive situations often repeat the same actions as they move into adulthood. Early intervention methods need to be implemented (such as family counseling) in order to prevent the cycle from repeating itself.
Lesson 1:
Teacher reads a case to the group about physical abuse that occurred in Connecticut. In this case, a fourteen month old boy named Anoelo was killed by his mother. In an earlier instance, the 19 year old mother abused the child. The agency returned the baby to her after she received some services. Three weeks after Angelo returned to the home, he endured serious injuries. The emergency team rushed the child to the hospital, but he died as a result of the multiple injuries inflicted from the mother’s abuse. (Goldstein 143)
Students have the opportunity to discuss this case. In addition they need to make value choices whether or not children should be returned back to abusive parent
Focus Questions:
1) Did the state have the right to become involved in the first incident of abuse?
2) What evidence was there that the abuse occurred?
3) What services were used to help rehabilitate the mother?
4) What other services could have been offered?
5) Do you think that the mother should have received custody of Angelo after the first incident of abuse
6) Do you think any parent should maintain parental custody after a documented case of abuse?
7) What rights should parents have in cases such as this one?
8) What can the state do to avoid situations such as this one from happening again?
Lesson 2:
Read article from newspaper entitled, “Seeing Rise in Child Abuse: Hospital Steps in to Try to Stop the Battering,” from the New York: Times.
Students read about the rise in child abuse cases. Also, they examine the use of preventative methods utilized by hospitals.
Students need to respond in their journal in response to comprehension questions provided:
1) What indicators show child abuse is on the rise?
2) Who usually reports incidence of child abuse?
3) What factors are related to child abuse?
4) How can the medical field help to try to stop the abuse?
5) Can you think of any solutions to cure the problem?
6) What emotions do you feel when you hear about child abusers? Why?
7) Why do you think people become abusive?