Goal: I.
Students will become aware of the legal system as it relates to adoption/foster care.
l. Students will be able to write about and discuss the legalities of adoption.
2. Students will be able to write about and discuss the foster care system.
3. Students will be able to write about and discuss the rights and responsibilities of parents.
Students will be able to write about and discuss parental obligations concerning their children’s safety and well being.
1. Students will be able to identify safety issues concerned with firearms in the house.
2. Students will identify safety issues in the home environment.
3. Student will identify the term “risk of injury to a minor”.
Goal: III.
Student will be able to write about and discuss issues related to physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect.
1. Students will define physical abuse.
2. Students will define sexual abuse.
3. Students will define neglect.
4. Students will be able to write about. and discuss negative manifestation of abuse.
Goal: IV.
Students will become aware of decisions faced by expecting mother
1. Students will become aware of the effects of substances to the unborn child. (i.e.- drugs, tobacco, alcohol)
2. Students will become aware of proper nurturance of the unborn child.
3. Students will become aware of ethical issues faced by the expecting mother. (i.e.- abortion rights, pre-natal care, etc.)
Goal: V.
Students will become aware of relevant health issues families face today.
Objectives: ‘
1. Students will become aware of realities of AIDS.
2. Students will become aware of controversial issues dealing with disease preventatives (condom distribution in schools).
3. Students will become familiar with issues concerning medical neglect.
4. Students will become familiar with religious convictions resulting in parents withholding treatment.
Goal: VI.
Students will become aware of the rights and responsibilities of the state as it relates to school.
1. Students will become aware of legal issues relevant to truancy.
2. Students will become aware of legal issues relevant to corporal punishment.