Davis, Samuel M.
Children’s Rights and the Law
. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Company, 1987. (Lists relevant cases of family issues for students to review.)
Shoop, Julie Cannon. “ ‘Fetal Abuse Conviction Overturned in Florida.”
Vol. 28, no. 10, Oct 92: pp. 16-17. (A brief article that provides legal evidence in a “fetal abuse case”.)
White, Ryan and Ann Marie Cunningham. “My Own Story”.
Parents’ Magazine
. Vol. 66, no. 4, April 91: pp. 104-111. (Ryan White tells his personal story of his struggle wish AIDS and the discrimination he encountered.)
Berg , Eric.
Teens and AIDS
. Santa Cruz, CA.: ETR Associates, l987. (Pamphlet that gives the facts of AIDS - how to prevent AIDS and the myths of AIDS.)
Hiatt, Jane.
STD Facts
. Santa Cruz, CA.: ETR Associates, 1989. (Pamphlet outlining facts about sexually transmitted diseases)
Russell. Mary.
Teen-age Pregnancy Prevention Bulletin
. Dept Of Children and Family Services, One State Street, New Haven. Ct: Vol. 2, No. 2, Oct F92 (Pamphlet that encourages pregnancy preventatives.)
Newspaper Articles:
Associated Press. “More Infants, Toddlers in Foster Care.”
New Haven Register
: Thursday, April 25, 1994.
Curtis, John. “Wallingford Mom Pleads Innocent in Shooting Case.”
New Haven Register
: Thursday, April 28, 1994.
Cross, Jane. “Seeing Rise in Child Abuse, Hospitals Step In to Try to Stop the Battering.”
The New York Times
: Tuesday, April 5, 1994.