Arbetman, Lee P.
Street Law
. New York: West Publishing Company, 1990. (An introduction to the legal system)
Bartholet, Elizabeth.
Family Bonds: Adoption and the Politics of Parenting
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993. (Examines both adoption and infertility)
Edelman. Marian Wright
Families in Peril
. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1986. (Statistics that reflect current societal trends of the family)
Goldstein, Joseph
Before the Best Interest of the Child
. New York: The Free Press, 1979. (Examines ethical/legal issues concerning children’s rights)
Ingrassia. Michelle. “Endangered Family.”
New York, N.Y.: Vol. CXXII, No. 9 Aug. 30, 93 pp. 11-21. (An article that examines the breakdown of the American family)
Mason, Mary Ann.
Debating Children’s Lives
. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 1994. (A close look at controversial issues dealing with the various interpretations of children’s rights and the law)
McCormick, John. “Abortion: Violence May Split the Pro-Life Forces.”
New York. N.Y.: vol. CXXII , No. 9. Aug. 30, 93: p. 59. (Article that describes an incident of a pro-life advocate who shoots an abortion doctor)
Minow. Martha.
Family Matters
. New York: A New Press, 1993. (Comprehensive guide to family issues relevant to our present day society)
Ornstein , Allan C.
Foundations of Education
. Boston: Mifflin Company, l989. (Comprehensive introduction to the social, philosophical, and legal foundations of education)
Smith, Deborah Deutsh.
Introduction to Special Education: Teaching in an Age of Challenge
. Needham, MA: Allyn & Bacon, l992. (Outlines philosophical/legal issues concerning the special education populations