Michael S. Guzzio
The objectives of this curriculum unit are basically threefold. On the multi-cultural level, all students will realize how much human (Black and White) thought, energy, and sacrifice were exerted to create a nation more truly based on the idea that “all men are created equal. “ 1 The passionate writings, endless movements and protests, and the loss of six hundred thousand lives in the Civil War, all contributed to make this a more perfect Union of equality.
The interdisciplinary objective of the unit involves history and English. By reading Lincoln’s and Douglass’ writings, two of the political giants of their time, the students will be able to see how the written thought became law and slowly made its way into the character of the nation. Students will also see how this journey is a slow and unfolding drama as all Americans still struggle with the meaning of freedom in this country. An awareness of the power of the pen to influence historical events will be a major theme of this unit.
The third objective will be applying some concepts on film, as learned in the course from the Teacher’s Institute, to the film “Glory. “ The film will bring the unit to a close. It will also deepen the students’ appreciation how film techniques in “Glory” add to their understanding of how the readings of the unit did create change in race relations in America.