Bishop, Jim,
The Day Lincoln was Shot
, New York: Harper & Row, l955. An excellent and understandable hour by hour account of the last day of Lincoln’s life.
Cummins, Duane and White, William,
The Origins of the Civil War
, Beverly Hills: Benziger, l972. A short book which gives an excellent balance of the Northern and Southern positions that led to the bloodiest conflict in American history.
Douglass, Frederick,
The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass
. New Jersey: Outlet Book Company Inc. , l993. This is Douglass’ autobiography covering his childhood in slavery, his escape, and his rise to become one of the leading political figures of his era.
Gross, Anthony,
The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln
, New York: Barnes and Noble Books, l994. A collection of short writings of Abraham Lincoln, from his early days to the White House, revealing the humor and intelligence of our sixteenth President.
Miller, Douglas T. ,
Frederick Douglass and the Fight for Freedom
. New York: Facts on File Publications, l988. This book tells the story of Douglass as slave, free man, editor, public speaker, author, and office holder. In each position, Douglass is shown never to waiver from his primary mission, the destruction of slavery and oppression.
Mitgang, Herbert,
Selected Writings of Abraham Lincoln
. New York: Bantam Books, l992. As the title indicates, it is a collection of Lincoln’s most memorable speeches and prose.
Pym, John, “For the Union Dead,” in
Sight and Sound
, New York: Spring, l990. A film review of “Glory” which provides good background and insight into the film.
Sandburg, Carl,
Abraham Lincoln
, Vols. I,II,III. New York: Dell Publishing Co. , Inc. , l954. Poet and author Carl Sandburg’s masterful retelling of the events, words, and deeds that made up the life of an American original.
Voss, Frederick,
Majestic In His Wrath
. Washington D. C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, l995. A pictorial account of Frederick Douglass’ life with accompanying narrative.
White, Arnold, “Fighting Black,” in
American Film
: New York, l990. Interview with Director Edward Zwick about his film “Glory. “