Title: Your Mayan Date
Background: The Maya wrote the events that were taking place in their history through the use of hieroglyphics. They counted dates by the number of days that had passed from the beginning of times which according to them it was on 3,114 BC. You will run the program and come up with your own which you will make use of it to add to the other activities that will take place throughout the rest of the unit.
Task: You will work with another partner to print from the computer the hieroglyphics associated with the event of your birth.
Purpose: To come up with the hieroglyphics related to your birth date.
Procedure: First, write the day of the month when you were born.
After, write the name of the month when you were born.
Then, write the name of the year in which you were born.
Later, go to the library and using Netscape, select the bookmark “Your Mayan date” and type the month, day, and year when you were born.
Finally, click on the “submit” button and when your Mayan date appears on the screen print a copy of it.
Assessment: See Appendix B for sample Assessment List..
Extensions: The students will be able to list as many dates as they wish to add to the differet vases and vessels which will be created in the following activities. The dates can be increased in size to color using fabric paints that later can be affixed to any material such as a t-shirt or a hat.