Bickman, Connie (1994). Children of Mexico. Edina, Minnesota, Abdo and Daughters.
An easy reader book for the beginner reader. Discusses social life and costumes of Mexico. It includes a map, table of contents, an index, and beautiful up to date photographs depicting the day to day life of children in Mexico.
Cameron, Ann (1996). The Most Beautiful Place in the World, Random House.
This book explores the life of Juan, a seven-year old boy from Guatemala, who is abandoned by both of his parents and goes to live with his grandmother. The book weaves throughout the story Maya beliefs and traditions. An excellent read aloud book that explores real life issues of rejection and abandonment.
Galvin, Irene Flum (1997). The Ancient Maya. Tarrytown, New York, Benchmark Books.
A good children reference book on the Maya. It discusses the history, beliefs, and legacy of the Maya with beautiful color photographs. Includes a table of contents, index and a list of bibliographical references.
Madrigal, Antonio Hernández (1997). The Boy Who Cried Tears Of Jade. The Eagle and the Rainbow. Timeless Tales from México. Golden, Colorado, Fulcrum Publishing: 21-33.
This is the story of Mayel whose grandmother makes her a clay doll who comes alive, Itza,and has the gift that his tears turn into beads of jade. An excellent read aloud story that incorporates many Mayan traditions. A must read book.
McCunney, Michelle (1997). “Mario's Mayan Journey.”. Greenvale, NY, Mondo Publishing: 32.
Mario is awoken by the starts and meets two Mayan friends with whom they explore the land of the ancient Maya. It includes full color pictures and appropiate for the emergent and fluent reader.
Palacios, Argentina (1993). The Hummingbird King: A Guatemalan Legend, Troll Associates.
A young chief who is protected by the hummingbirds turns into a quetzal after he is killed by a jealous uncle. Recommended for the fluent reader or as a read aloud book. It has beautiful color ilustrations that will captivate the reader and provide a good background knowledge of Maya culture.
Sanchez, Enrique O. (1995). Abuela's weave, Lee and Low Books.
A grandmother teaches a young girl how to weave. It is an excellent book in that it shows how Maya traditions and the art of weaving are kept alive in this day and age. Beautiful colorful pictures. Recomended for the fluent reader.
Turner, Wilson G. (1980). Maya Design Clooring Book. New York, Dover Publications, Inc.
A coloring book which includes simple captions under each of the black and white illustrations on a diversity of artifacts from funeraqry bowls and hieroglyphics to columns and stelae.
Wisniewski, David (1995). Rain Player, Clarion Books.
This story of a young Mayan ball player who challanges the Rain God to a ball game. Beautifully illustrated through colorful three dimensional collages it provides the reader with good background knowledge on Maya beliefs and culture. Good as a read aloud or for the emergent and fluent reader.