Title: Making a physical structure
Standards: Mathematics (8.3)
Question connecting content to purpose: Why did the Maya use limestone to build their structures?
Audience: Other students at the school
Role of learner in task: Arquitect
Background: All over Mesoamerica there are many arquitectural remains of temples. pyramids, stelae, and other structures that are the remnants of Maya history. These stuctures have survived the passing of time because of the materials that were used in their construction. We are still learning what these purposes were and everyday that goes by we learn some more about the civilization who built them.
Task: You are going to design and build a physical structure that has some of the elements that are characteristic of the Maya culture. Think about the different monuments that we have studied, and create your own using milk cartons as a building block. You will later draw and color it with those elements that should be included to tell us something about the Maya.
Procedure: Think of the purpose of the physical structure. What is it going to be used for? Write it down.
Draw a picture of the shape that is going to have.
What are you going to include in the outside? Why? Write it down.
Write a few sentences using the previous questions explaining your project.
Begin creating your structure using 1 pint milk containers following the sketch you drew.