Jean E. Sutherland
Implementing District Standards
Content Standard 1.0: Students will develop developmentally appropriate strategies and reading behaviors to construct meaning, retell, and read fluently.
Performance Standard 1.1: Students will read for information and enjoyment as they become skilled readers.
Performance Standard 1.4: Students will interpret materials read. (a.) Students will create a product related to the material heard, viewed, and/or read,
Content Standard 2.0: Students will progress along a continuum as they become skilled writers.
Performance Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.
Together these standards focus on the student developing a well-organized piece of writhing appropriated to the assigned task.
Visual Arts
Content Standard 6.0: Interdisciplinary art connections, cultural and historical correlations.
Performance Standard 6.1: Students will make connections between visual arts and all other disciplines.
Content Standard 5.0: History
Performance Standard 5.0: Students will read, view, and listen to multiple sources concerning history.
Social Development
Content Standard 2.0: Promotion of Emotional and Mental Health
Performance Standard 2.0: Students will develop pro-social attitudes and values about themselves and their peers, families, school, and the community.