1. W.M Protheroe, E.R Capriotti & G.H. Newsom, Exploring the Universe ( Columbus: Charles E. Merrrill Publishing Company 1981) 2.
2. James Seaborn , Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Physics and Astrophysics ( New York: Springer- Verlag, 1998) 2
3. James B Seaborn, Understanding the Universe: an introduction to physics and astrophysics ( New York: springer- Verlag) 2.
4. http:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/history of astronomy May 16 2007
5. W. M. Protheroe et al, Exploring the Universe (Columbus: Charles E Merrill 1981) 19
6. Roger a. Freedman, William J., Kaufman, Universe ( New York: Freedman & Company, 2005) 69
7. 7 W.M Protheroe et al, Exploring the Universe (Columbus: Charles E Merrill 1981) 20
8. W.M Protheroe et al, Exploring the Universe (Columbus: Charles E Merrill 1981) 25
9. W.M Protheroe et., al, Exploring the Universe (Columbus: Charles E Merrill 1981) 34
10. Sarbani Basu lecture notes, Frontiers of Astronomy Seminar 2007.
11. W.M Protheroe et., al, Exploring the Universe (Columbus: Charles E Merrill 1981) 206
12. T. Encrenaz, J.P. Bibring & M. Blanc, The Solar System (New York: Springer- Verlag 1987) 18
13. James B Seaborn, Understanding the Universe: an introduction to physics and astrophysics ( New York: springer- Verlag) 96.
14. James B Seaborn, Understanding the Universe: an introduction to physics and astrophysics ( New York: springer- Verlag) 106.
15. Roger a. Freedman, William J., Kaufman, Universe ( New York: Freedman & Company, 2005) 410
16. James B., Seaborn, Understanding the Universe: an introduction to physics and astrophysics ( New York: springer- Verlag) 198.
17. Roger A. Freedman, William J., Kaufman, Universe ( New York: Freedman & Company, 2005) 410
18. James B Seaborn, Understanding the Universe: an introduction to physics and astrophysics ( New York: springer- Verlag) 201.
19. Roger A. Freedman, William J., Kaufman, Universe ( New York: Freedman & Company, 2005) 68